- The most famous legend is the Nien beast. 最著名的传说就是年兽。
- Owned by the Liao family of the Qing Dynasty. 是清代一户姓廖人家的住宅。
- The Research on the Liao Dynasty Na Bo Institution. 辽代捺钵制度研究。
- Salah liao! This bag is not mine! 弄错了!这包不是我的!
- This new game, you play liao or not? 这个新游戏你玩过了没有?
- What was the name of Beijing in the Liao Kingdom? 北京在辽国时的名字是什么?
- Dadi, you take a picture with Liao Jia. 大地,你跟廖佳照一张相。
- Later, Liao Feng began injecting drug. 后来,廖凤又开始注射毒品。
- Liao wins fifth weightlifting gold for china! 廖辉为中国赢得第五块举重金牌!
- Series Qing dai Taiwan dang an shi liao cong kan. 清代台湾档案史料丛刊.
- Sry i 4got post there....but now -point liao.... 请小心你的言词;否则分数少了就别怪人了......
- Good character, very Nien, eat, sleep, have a bath and de-worming. 性格很好,很粘人,能吃能睡,已经洗澡和驱虫。
- Da Changjin Hanguo liao li [videorecording]. 大长今韩国料理 [录像资料].
- I go to run at seven thrity ,you go to work at nien thrity. 例如:女孩子们九点钟读书。男孩子们七点半在卧室里玩耍。
- Headmaster Liao Wensheng visited Korea for research. 廖文胜校长赴韩国访问考察。
- Liao Tianwen,who failed to be elected,looked a bit disappointed. 落选的候选人廖天文有些沮丧。
- Cha ku mang, ki yiong nang, pa bu chor liao mu ke tui? 恰古忙,基用那,怕不求老木该对?
- Jia lat lah, the notes so chim one, tomorrow exam die liao! 惨了!笔记那么深奥,都看不懂,明天的考试完蛋了!