- Li Xiang is an undemonstrative person. 李想是一个腼腆的人。
- Li Xiang is not evasive oneself error, also be happy to meditate. 李想并不回避自己的失误,也乐于反省。
- Is Li Xiang's job-hopping to the Travel Channel true or speculation? 关于李湘转嫁旅游卫视事件,大家觉得是蓄意炒作还是真有其事?
- It is said that Li Xiang would abadon BTV to Travel Channel as vice director. 李湘又要跳槽了,据消息透露,名主持李湘将弃北京卫视而去,到旅游卫视担任副台长。
- It is said that Li Xiang would abandon BTV to the Travel Channel as the vice director. 李湘又要跳槽了,据消息透露,名主持李湘将弃北京卫视而去,到旅游卫视担任副台长。
- Qiandian a center of Tsongkhapa bronze Li Xiang Yizun, flanked by four clay sculpture Jingang. 前殿正中有宗喀巴铜铸立像一尊,两旁是四座泥塑金钢。
- Regarding this, Li Xiang and the Wang Ping two party concerneds both are not willing to make frontage response. 对此,李湘和王平两位当事者都不愿意作正面回应。
- "Most residents were warm-hearted and cooperated as they knew about our aim," Li Xiang said. “因为知道我们的目的大多数的居民是热心并给予我们合作的,”李想说。
- And Li Xiang's classmate agrees " effective " link, it is carry secretly network address and the card that was not expunged. 而李祥同学约定的“有效”链接,就是夹带了网址且没被删掉的帖子。
- Li Xiang is mensurable: If a thing compares others overpay to give the effort of 5% , take others possibly the redound of 200% . 李想定律:假如一个事情比别人多付出5%25的努力,就可能拿到别人200%25的回报。
- Tangshan is Jingdong cuisine restaurants,ma tang honey, sesame seed piece, Wan Li Xiang braised chicken specialties, such as reputation. 唐山饮食属京东菜系,蜂蜜麻糖、棋子烧饼、万里香扒鸡等特色小吃享有盛名。
- He worked as an intern in Beijing two months ago and formed the overall plan with Li Xiang - covering publicity on the Internet, fundraising, itineraries and research. 两个月前他在北京做实习医生,为李想做了活动的整体方案-包括网络宣传,募集资金,巡游和调查研究。”
- Li Xiang, Li Dichen, Wang Lin, Wang Zhen, Lu Bingheng. Design and Fabrication of CAP Scaffolds by Indirect Solid Free Form Fabrication. Rapid Prototyping Journal. Accepted. 李祥;李涤尘;张彦东;卢秉恒.;骨组织微结构观察分析及仿生支架立体光固化间接制造
- Chengdu Daily reported Li Xiang was an hour late, but students gave their warmest welcome and applause when she showed up at the academic hall wearing black frame glasses. 成都日报报道说,李湘晚到了一个小时,但当李湘带着黑框眼镜出现在学术报告厅的时候,同学们用掌声表示最热烈的欢迎。
- Li Xiang is ever so strong. 李翔非常强壮。
- But about this 50 million be how distributive, and the Na Dong that has jointly among them is villatic after all attributive the under one's name to who, him Li Xiang did not disclose any detail. 但关于这5000万是如何分配的,以及其中共同拥有的那栋别墅究竟归属到谁的名下,李湘本人并没有透露任何细节。
- With the professionary manufacturing technique and manufacturing level, Hang Zhou Li Xiang has the superiority on the rubber seal manufacturing technique which others can be hard to compare! 专业的生产技术和制造水平,使杭州理想塑胶有限公司具备了一般橡胶密封制品企业难以比拟的生产和技术优势。
- Usually,There are many vice directoried in a TV station,who are mainly in charge of adminstration,personnel,secruity,promotion and programm production.Then which part is most suitable for Li Xiang? 通常,一个电视台会设有多位副台长,分管行政、人事、保卫、宣传导向、节目生产等各个门类的工作,那么哪项工作最适合李湘副台长呢?
- Oh, she's my friend Li Jun's sister. 哦,她是我的朋友李军的妹妹。
- I'll have to meet my friend Li Jun at the airport. 我得去机场接我的朋友李军。