- Li Ping and Li Jing look the same. 李萍和李晶看上去一样。
- With a mother like Li Jing, I doubt Yuqing will be truly remorseful about what she did to Minqiao. 我早就说过他只是各伪君子而已。一帮人还在直夸他好。
- Li Jing,a famous high-ranking officer in Tang Dynasty, was under the official deification of all later dynasties because of his great achievements. 唐代开国名将李靖因其丰功伟绩而为后继历朝列于国家祀典。
- Li Jing, a famous high-raking officer in Tang Dynasty, was under the official deification of all later dynasties because of his great achievements. 摘要唐代开国名将李靖因其丰功伟绩而为后继历朝列于国家祀典。
- And at present product line has DRAM only, so Li Jing will seek politic partner, and lucky Sa is best collaboration object. 而今朝产物线只有DRAM一项,所以力晶将会追求策略合作伙伴,而瑞萨是最好合作难刁难象。
- Perhaps be affected by the clue place of the story, li Jing gradually stanch cry, expression looks at a picture dedicatedly. 也许被故事的情节所感染,李井渐渐止住了哭,神情专注地看着画面。
- The Jade Emperor swiftly ordered two heavenly generals to command some heavenly troops to capture Monkey. Li Jing and Ne Zha served as the commanders of the heavenly troops. 玉皇大帝召两路天神捉拿孙猴,李靖和哪吒领旨前去。
- After the founding of People's Republic of China, Yu Xuezhong to praevalida pectus pectoris, Li Jing of dedication and actively participate in the construction of new China. 中华人民共和国成立后,于学忠以桑榆之年励精竭诚,积极参加新中国的建设事业。
- Recently, the scene of the popular "Li Jing of China in the new outdoor media business competition" may be able to see outdoor media "intensive" inkling of the coming era. 近段时间,场面火爆的“晶立中国新户外媒体创业大赛”或许能看出户外传媒“精耕细作”时代来临的端倪。
- The doubles are the Sichuan pingpong strong point, Hao Shuai and team up from Chinese Hong Kong's double goon Li Jing, by 3:1 defeats opens ultra/Shui Gusun, has drawn 1 point. 双打是川乒的强项,郝帅和来自中国香港的双打手李静搭档,以3:1击败张超/水谷隼,扳回了1分。
- XU Bing-yin, LI Gui-yi,LI Jing,et al.Synchronous clock in power system by rec eiv ing signal from GPS.Automation of Electric Power Systems, 1995,19(3):44-47. [3]徐丙垠;李桂义;李京;等.;接收GPS卫星信号的电力系统同步时钟[J]
- They were Zhang Rupo and Rao Dachun, who came from Hardware Lab of Technology Center of Microsoft China, Li Jing and Li Bei, who came from MII-MS flush type software Lab of CSIP. 他们分别是来自微软中国技术中心硬件创新实验室张汝颇、饶大春工程师,来自信息产业部软件与集成电路促进中心MII-MS嵌入式软件实验室李静工程师和李贝项目经理。
- It is proposed to excavate Li Jing Mausoleum, Fang Xuanling Mausoleum and Cheng Yaojin Mausoleum, and then display in a centralized way all unearthed relics in Zhaoling Museum, and set up a relics' management center. 拟对李靖、玄龄、咬金墓进行发掘,将所有出土文物在昭陵博物馆集中陈列、示,并成立文管所。
- When Li Jing, also known as Heavenly King, saw that two of his generals were defeated, he sent out the signal to retreat. The Jade Emperor was thus forced to confer the title of "the Great Sage Equalling Heaven"upon Monkey. 玉帝一时也没有了主意,只好按孙猴的要求,准他作了“齐天大圣”。
- Jing-Chu network news (AFP) (intern reporter Li Jing Mei Jun) Wuhan subway shield the first plane was scheduled to start on the 25th boring, but so far has not "move house", which is why? 荆楚网消息(楚天都市报)(记者梅军实习生李婧)武汉地铁首台盾构机原计划25日开始掘进,但至今并没有“挪窝”,这是为何?
- Cao Jian-hua Li Jing Liu Ya-li Liu Tao 李静刘雅丽
- LI Jing ZHOU Jian-Ping SUI Yin GUO Tao 周俭平陶蕾
- Li Jing Ji Packaging Material Firm 李敬记包装材料商行
- BI Wei-hong, LI Lin, CHEN Jun-gang and LI Jing 毕卫红李林陈俊刚李靖
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。