- Level bridles shall be avoided. 应避免使用液位抑制器。
- Repeated interrogation shall be avoided. 但应避免重复询问。
- However, overlapping random checking shall be avoided. 产品质量抽查的结果应当公布。
- Low-lying lands, steep slops, lands where landslip is likely to occur, and other environment-sensitive lands shall be avoided. 九、避免低洼地、陡坡、易崩塌地或其他环境敏感地。
- Re- brush wet area must be avoided. 避免重刷油漆未干的地方。
- The formation of notches and burn-in (undercut) during welding shall be avoided and to be given the necessary attention at design and production stage. 在焊接期间应该避免形成切口及咬边,在设计及生产阶段要特别注意这一块。
- Internally mounted displacer units shall be avoided except for extraordinary applications and shall only be used with approval by SECCO. 除了特别应用,应避免内部安装的浮筒液位计单元,并且应只在赛科的批准下使用。
- Liquid traps that can introduce sufficient back pressure to prevent relief devices from functioning properly shall be avoided. 应避免使用会产生过高背压导致泄放装置不能正常发挥作用的集液器。
- Piping flexibility shall be provided by change of direction in the piping using bends, loops or offsets. Vertical loops shall be avoided. 通过弯曲、环路或偏移改变管线方向,使管线具有柔性。
- The use of non-concentric plates such as eccentric and segmental shall be avoided unless required for specific process requirements. 应尽量避免使用非同心圆孔板如偏心的和扇形孔板,除非特定的工艺要求需要。
- Areas in which water or aggressive media can accumulate (water pockets) shall be avoided by means of suitable measures such as slopes, passages or run-offs. 必须采取适当的方法避免水和腐蚀性媒介可能积聚的区域(存水区),比如设计斜坡,水道和排水口等。
- The quotation of very long passages should be avoided. 应该避免摘引非常长的段落。
- Threaded pipe connections should be avoided wherever possible but where these are unavoidable, teflon paste, or a suitable alternate, shall be applied to the male threads. 应尽可能避免使用螺纹管道接口,否则应使用特氟龙胶泥或合适的替代品涂于阴螺纹上。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- I shall be attending the meeting. 我会参加会议。
- I shall be delighted to show you around the place. 我很高兴领你到处转转。
- All such familiarities should be avoided. 这种失礼的举动都该避免。
- I shall be in touch with you again shortly. 我很快再和你联系。
- Inhalation of dust should be avoided. 应避免吸入粉末。
- The plan shall be carried out to the full. 这计划必须不折不扣地执行。