- Leptopus clarkein. 缘腺雀舌木
- Aim: To study the constituents of the volatile oils of leptopus chinensis (bunge) pojark. 摘要目的:分析雀儿舌头叶和茎中挥发油的化学成分。
- Methods: The volatile oils of the leaf and stem of leptopus chinensis (bunge) pojark were obtained by steam distillation, and the constituents were tested by GC-MS. 方法:应用水蒸汽蒸馏法分别提取雀儿舌头叶和茎的挥发性成分,并采用气相色谱与质谱联用(GC-MS)法对其化学成分进行分析。
- Leptopus Chinensis (Bunge) Pojark 雀儿舌头
- Extraction and Separation of Insecticidal Substance from Roots of Leptopus chinensis 雀儿舌头根中杀虫活性物质的提取与初步分离
- Anoectochilus clarkein. 红萼齿唇兰
- Castanopsis clarkein. 棱刺锥
- Gentiana clarkein. 西域龙胆
- Iris clarkein. 西藏鸢尾
- Esmeralda clarkein. 花蜘蛛兰
- Leptopus australisn. 薄叶雀舌木
- Leptopus chinensisn. 雀儿舌头
- Ophiopogon clarkein. 长丝沿阶草
- Phyllanthus clarkein. 滇藏叶下珠
- Leptopus esquiroliin. 尾叶雀舌木
- Leptopus lolonumn. 线叶雀舌木
- Pedicularis clarkein. 克氏马先蒿
- Ammodorcas clarkein. 沙羚
- Leptopus nanusn. 小叶雀舌木
- Leptopus yunnanensisn. 云南雀舌木