- Jiaoshan zhi, bupleurum chinensis, Bai Zhu, Chinese angelica, root of herbaceous peony, Poris cocos, leonurus siribicus, dandelion, cork, knowledge mother and so on. 伴痛经、经前乳房胀痛,舌质红、苔薄白、脉弦者,加郁金、香附;
- Leonurus siribicus 益母草
- Karyotype study of Leonurus japonicus Houtt. 益母草的染色体组型研究.
- The leonurus can also excite the respiration center. 中医研究,益母草性味辛苦、凉。
- Leonurus herBal regulates menstruation and arrest leucorrhoea. 益母草药,调经止带。
- Objective:To extract and distinguish the total flavanone from the leonurus. 目的:对益母草中总黄酮进行提取和鉴别。
- Definition: Whole or cut, dried flowering aerial parts of Leonurus cardiaca L. 本品为唇形科植物欧益母草Leonurus cardiaca L.;的干燥的完整或切段的地上部分。
- Pollen morphology of 9 species and 1 variety in the genus Leonurus (Lamiaceae) was examined by means of LM and SEM. 利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜对国产8种1变种及欧美产1种益母草属植物的花粉粒进行观察与研究。
- Results Fingerprints of Leonurus heterophyllus Injection obtained contained 12 major common peaks. 结果标示出益母草注射液中12个主要共有峰。
- AIM: To discuss the effect of Leonurus heterophyllus Injection(LHI) on lymph circulation in DIC rats. 目的:探讨益母草注射液(LHI)对DIC大鼠淋巴循环的作用。
- Objective To establish the fingerprints method of capillary electrophoresis for Leonurus heterophyllus Injection. 目的建立益母草注射液的毛细管电泳指纹图谱。
- Abstract: Objective To study the differences of quality species of Leonurus japonicus Houtt. acquired from six regions. 文章摘要: 目的研究不同来源地的益母草种源种质的差异性。
- Definition: Motherwort Herb is the fresh or dried aerial part of Leonurus japonicus Houtt, (Fam.Labiatae). 本品为唇形科植物益母草 Leonurus japonicus Houtt.;的新鲜或干燥地上部分。
- Definition: Motherwort Fruit is the dried ripe fruit of Leonurus japonicus Houtt. (Fam.Labiatae). 本品为唇形科植物益母草 Leonurus japonicus Houtt.;的干燥成熟果实。
- Results:The total flavone contained in the leonurus is abo ut 0.28%, and the recovery rate is 98.6%. 结果:益母草中总黄酮的含量为0.;28%25;回收率为98
- Conclusion This experiment proved the best way for total flavones in leonurus hetreophyllus. 结论本实验所用方法为鱼腥草总黄酮提取的最佳工艺条件。
- Conclusions:The optimized extration is efficient and the procedure of Leonurus bioadhesive film is available. 结论此制剂工艺流程合理,适宜生产。
- Conclusions: The optimized extration is efficient and the procedure of Leonurus bioadhesive film is available. 结论此制剂工艺流程合理,适宜生产。
- Objective: To investigate the effects of processing on contens of saponin of Leonurus heterophyllus sweet. 目的:探讨炮制对益母草中生物碱含量的影响。
- Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Leonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers and spine-tipped calyx lobes. 益母草,茺蔚任一种生活于欧亚大陆的茺蔚属植物,尤指山艾属野草,开紫色或粉色小花串,生有尖端有刺的花萼裂片