- Leisure time is big business. 闲暇时间的活动,是件大事。
- Our leisure time is less and less. 我们的闲暇时间越来越少了。
- Much of the leisure time is used in play. 大部分的休闲时光都用于玩乐。
- Our leisure time is scanted by this demanding job. 由于工作吃力,我们的消闲时间被限制了
- Urine is big business these days. 尿液现今可是大行业,
- DIGGING in dirt and rock is big business. 在泥土和岩石构筑的地表中进行挖掘工作,有时是收益颇丰的。
- Leisure time is increasingly filled with choices, too. 休闲时间里供选择的东西也越来越多。
- Corporate chaplaincy is big business in the US. 在美国,公司牧师服务是一项巨大业务。
- The way people spend their leisure time is quite important. 人们如何过闲暇时间,是很重要的。
- "Time is money" for big businesses. 对于商业活动来说,时间就是金钱。
- Placing ads is big business for the media buyers at agencies. 出售广告对于中介媒体买主来说是一项巨大的交易。
- Molly : I understand. Owning a movie theatre is big business. 莫莉:我懂了。经营一家电影院可是个大买卖。
- One of the taverns where he spent much leisure time is Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese at 145 Fleet Street. 其中有一个他消磨了多闲暇时光的小酒馆是位于舰队街145号那古老的柴郡干酪店。
- All this extra work I'm doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间。
- Beauty is big business in Singapore, where looking good is something of a national obsession. 美容业在新加坡十分兴盛,因为拥有美丽的外表似乎成了这里所有人追求的目标。
- I'm very concerned that today's children may be heading for a whole lot of social ills because their play and leisure time is so isolated and they lose out on lots of chances for laughter. 我十分担心现在的儿童会染上很多的社会不良习气,因为他们在娱乐休闲时间彼此十分孤立,他们失去了很多放声大笑的机会。
- Finning, as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark. Some areas ban finning. But illegal shark-fishing is big business. 称它为鱼翅业,意谓着是从活鲨鱼身上剪下来的。一些地方禁止吃鱼翅。而违法的鲨鱼捕捞是一个大商业。
- According to recent data and most people's experience, the workweek is expanding and leisure time is evaporating, not only for top-level executives but for the average person as well. 根据最新数据和多数人的经历,不管对高层管理人员还是普通员工,一周工作时间在不断增加,而业余时间则在不断减少。
- What do you usually do in your leisure time? 你通常在空闲时间做些什么?
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。