- Left lower quadrant of abdomen 腹左下象限
- left lower quadrant of the abdomen 左下腹部
- Does leg rasing induce pain in the right or left lower quadrant? 腿抬高是否会导致右边或者左边的下腹部疼痛?
- Sharp left lower quadrant pain exacerbated by palpation. 急剧的左下腹疼痛,触诊加重。
- Right lower quadrant of abdomen 腹右下象限
- Physical examination is unremarkable except for tenderness over the left lower quadrant. 对她的体格检查除了腹部左下象限触痛没有其它明显表现。
- After fever and abdominal distention with progressive abdominal pain over left lower quadrant were noted, CT scan revealed a multiloculated abscess over the left retroperitoneum. 此病患有C型肝炎及酒精性肝硬化,入院时因发烧及腹胀一度疑为腹膜炎,因其合并有左髋部疼痛之情形,且疼痛部位逐渐上移至左下腹。
- The diagnoses were proved by operation and pathology.Results The ultrsound findings in the appendic abscesses appeared irregular masses with mixed echoes in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. 结果阑尾脓肿的超声表现为右下腹混合性不规则团块,团块内回声依据阑尾内是否存在粪石,感染菌种及液化程度不同而表现各异。
- Fever, abdomenal pain, tenderness over the right lower quadrant of the abdomen and increased WBC in the blood were the most f... 结论对小儿腹痛应反复体检,一经诊断应尽早处理,积极手术能取得良好疗效。
- We report a case of 60-year-old male patient who suffered from left lower quadrant abdominal pain with localized abdominal wall tenderness, nausea and high-grade fever for the previous few days. 我们报告一位60岁男性病患因在过去数日来有左下腹疼痛并有局部腹部压痛,恶心,高烧至本院求诊。
- right lower quadrant of the abdomen 右下腹部
- Anal sinus about 1/2 length of abdomen. 肛窦为腹长的1/2。
- Left upper quadrant of abdomen 腹左上象限
- left lower quadrant 左下象限
- Notice particularly clear cells in upper left quadrant of field. 观察左上角视野,细胞显示尤为清晰。
- Right upper quadrant of abdomen 腹右上象限
- A 28-year-old woman presents with a 7-month history of recurrent, crampy pain in the left lower abdominal quadrant, bloating with abdominal distention, and frequent, loose stools. 女性,28岁,表现为腹部左下象限反复发作的痉挛痛7月,腹部膨胀并常伴有稀便。
- The patient complained of abdominal pain. 病人主诉腹痛。
- No patients complained of abdominal discomfort. 所有患者均无明显腹部不适症状。
- The mice showed less writhes of abdominal cavity. 并能减少醋酸致痛小鼠的扭体次数。