- Lecithocera gemman. 蕾祝蛾
- If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma. 如果狗的主人没认亮霨。
- Gemma: I haven't started work so early in weeks. 杰玛:我有很多星期没有这么早开始工作了。
- Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in. 再见,谢谢你们把gemma送来。
- Gemma: Time for elevenses before we die of hunger and thirst. 杰玛:是吃上午茶的时候了,否则非死于饥渴不可。
- Report by Steve Bartram and Gemma Thompson, at Carrington. 斯蒂文-巴特莱姆和戈马-汤普森在卡灵顿报道。
- "Look,that's the one that used to go out with Gemma Atkinson. 看;这就是那个以前常和杰玛阿特金森(肥皂剧女主角)约会的人.
- After her daughter, Gemma, was born, Jeanine moved back home. 在她的女儿吉玛出生后,她搬回家了。
- Gemma proficiency testing can help with the quality of your analysis. Gemma水平测试可助于提高您的分析质量。
- Chi onora uno stolto fa come chi getta una gemma in un mucchio di sassi. 把荣耀给愚昧人的,就像人把石子系在投石器上。
- Even if they are kind to Gemma, she's still alone, without her family. 即使他们对Gemma很好,它仍是孤单单的,没有家。
- When asked where she would like to go on holiday, Michael Owen's four-year-old daughter Gemma's answer is always the same: Dubai. 当被问到想去哪度假时,欧文四岁的女儿杰玛的回答总是只有一个:迪拜。
- The couple, both 27, already have a daughter Gemma, four, and son James, 21 months. 这对夫妻两都已是27岁,已经有了一个四岁的女儿杰玛和21个月大的儿子詹姆斯。
- This paper introduces the techonological process of how to deeply ferment tremella gemma and how to co... 介绍了银耳芽孢深层发酵及银耳露酒配制的工艺过程、操作要点及有关注意事项。
- Gemma match in the first 57 minutes France scored 3 goals to help the team achieve victory in the last 3 to 1. 本吉马在球赛第57分钟攻入法国的第3个进球,助球队取得3比1最后胜利。
- "At first I thought she was washing her hair or playing a trick," Gemma told the paper. "刚开始我还以为她在洗头或者有意作弄我“,杰玛告诉记者。”
- This constellation looks like a half-circle, in middle of which is a white jewel of a star called Gemma. 此星座看上去好似一半圆,它的中间有颗名为真珠的白宝石般的星星。
- Daniel had to wear shoes with a lift in them and stacked heels for a few scenes," actress Gemma Arterton said. 为挽救邦德在片中的形象,克雷格有时不得不穿厚跟鞋。
- Objective Tostudg the killing effect of different glutaraldehyde on bacterium gemma. 目的探讨不同类型戊二醛消毒剂的杀芽孢效果。
- Michael and Gemma had a go, did their best, saw the funny side, and went home chuckling. Michael和Gemma尝试过了,做了最大努力,享受到了乐趣,然后咯咯笑着回家了。