- The leaves floated on the water. 叶片漂浮在水面上。
- Wood can float on the water while stone sinks. 木头能浮在水面上,但是石头会下沉。
- These plants float on the surface of the water. 这些植物漂浮在水面上。
- Keys no more lie in the air, or float on the water. 钥匙不会吊在空中,也不会浮在水上。
- Discuss why ships can float on the water. 讨论为什么轮船能浮在水面上。
- Leaves were floating on the water. 树叶漂浮在水上。
- Why do ships float on the water? 为什么轮船能在水中飘浮?
- Oil spills float on the water like lily pads. 泄漏的石油漂浮在水面,就像百合花的浮叶。
- There is a boat floating on the water. 有条小船在水面上漂浮着。
- There's a glass bottle floating on the water. 有一个玻璃瓶漂浮在水面上。
- Leaves floated on the water. 树叶浮动在水面上。
- The Antoinette floated on the water until Latham was picked up by a ship. “安特瓦特”号飞机在海上漂浮,后来有船经过,莱瑟姆方才获救。
- The "Antoinette "floated on the water until Latham was picked up by a ship. 安特瓦耐特在海上漂浮,后来安瑟姆被一艘船救起。
- The ‘Antoinette’ floated on the water until Latham was picked up by a ship. 安特瓦特”号飞机在海上漂浮,后来有船经过,莱瑟姆方才获救。
- A landing platform attached to a wharf and floating on the water. 浮台固定在码头且浮在水面上的着陆平台
- Wood floats on the water but metal sinks. 木头漂在水面上,而金属却下沉。
- If the water is not hot enough, tea will be not easy to infuse and the leaves will float on the surface of the water. 泡茶时,如果使用水的温度过低,茶汁不易浸出,还会使茶叶浮出汤面。
- The ship is floating on the water silently. 船静静地浮在水面上
- He watched the clear current glide sluggishly along while a few decayed leaves floating on the surface of the river kept pace with his slow stroll. 他看着一汪清流正朝着下游涓涓而去,河上漂浮着几张腐叶和他并肩徐行。
- Once during the night her sisters came up arm-in-arm, singing sorrowfully, as they floated on the water. 有一个夜晚,她的姊姊们手挽著手升上了海面,悲伤地唱著歌。