- Leak testing of spent fuel pit 乏燃料贮存池的泄漏试验
- Helium leak testing of nuclear fuel rod for PWR GB/T11813-1996压水堆燃料棒氦质谱检漏
- Storage of spent fuel is very important for the operation of nuclear power plant (NPP). 用过核子燃料之处理,对核能电厂之营运相当重要。
- Vacuum vessel seal structure used in the leak test of a liquid rocket engine turbopump is discussed. 论述了某型号液体火箭发动机涡轮泵高压低温静密封检漏试验用真空室密封结构的设计问题。
- Table S-3 contained a set of numerical values intended to quantify the radiological effluents associated with reprocessing, storage, and disposal of spent fuel and other wastes. 表S一3含有一套数值,这些数值可以用来量化放射性污物,这些污物都与核废料和其他废物的加工、贮存和处理有关。
- Monitoring should be carried out routinely and should include frequent leak testing of the isolator and glove/sleeve system. 必须进行常规监控,包括隔离室和手套/袖系统的泄漏检查。
- Safety Analysis of NPP Spent Fuel Pit When Losing of Final Heat Trap 核电站乏燃料贮存水池失去最终热阱时的安全分析
- More detailed analysis are made on leak test of waterless gasholder, and some suggestions for revision are put forward. 对干式煤气柜严密性试验方法进行了分析和研究,并提出了修正意见。
- Processing of spent fuel with high burn-up should take special measure in order to avoid heavy radiolytic degradation of the solvent and the criticality of plutonium. 当处理高燃耗的乏燃料时,应采取特别措施,以避免造成溶剂的严重辐解和钚的临界问题。
- Laying the baffle on the top of spent fuel zone can suppress the impact of the recirculating flow on the upper plenum and decrease the change of the temperature on the bypass of core. 加挡板可阻挡上部大回流区对堆芯旁通区的影响,降低堆芯旁通区流体温度的变化。
- Helium Leak Test of Pressure Vessel 压力容器的氦质谱检漏方法
- full scale mock-up of spent fuel storage cells 乏燃料贮存格架实体模型
- Helium Leak Test of Titanium Pressure Vessel 钛制压力容器的氦泄漏试验
- Spent fuel pit 乏燃料贮存水池
- Behaviour of spent fuel assemblies during extended storage; 在延续储存期间乏燃料组件的行为;
- Arrange for leak testing of the unit as required by legislation 根据法律规定,安排设备的放射性泄漏测试
- If this friendship is real, it can stand the test of time. 如果这种友谊是真诚的,那么它就能经得起时间的考验。
- Response of spent fuel transportation casks to explosive loadings 乏燃料运输罐对爆炸荷载的响应
- She indulged in an orgy of spending. 她爱好大把大把地花钱。