- She went to lay the table for dinner. 她去摆好餐桌准备吃晚饭。
- Will you please lay the table for dinner? 请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗?
- Will you please lay the table for dinner ? 请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗?
- Please lay the table for dinner . 请把书打开放在桌子上。
- Lay the table for dinner. 摆好餐具准备吃饭。
- He told me to lay the table for six. 他让我摆好桌子准备6个人吃饭。
- Mother told me to lay the table for breakfast. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃早饭。
- Please prepare the table for dinner. 请把桌子收拾好准备吃饭。
- Spread the tablecloth and set the table for dinner. 铺上桌布摆好餐具准备开饭。
- Susan, the guests will be here in an hour, will you lay the table for lunch? 苏珊,再过一个小时客人就会到这里了,你把饭桌摆起来,好吗?
- Please set the table for dinner. 请摆好餐桌准备就餐。
- My mother told me to lay the table for eight. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备8个人吃饭。
- She has spread the table for dinner. 她已摆好餐桌准备开饭。
- Tell him to lay the table for supper. 告诉他摆桌子吃饭。
- The waiter lays the table for dinner. 待者安排食桌以进食。
- Place the silverware on the table for dinner. 请将银餐具摆放在桌子上吃晚饭。
- Could you set the table for dinner? 你把餐具摆好,准备开饭,好吗?
- Will you lay the table for supper? 请摆好碗筷准备吃饭好吗?
- Will you set the table for dinner? 你来放碗筷。
- He told the waiter to lay the table for eight. 他要服务员摆了八个人吃饭的餐具。