- Law Firm of Alex Liao 廖少毅律师事务所
- Prior to joining Sonat, he was a partner in the law firm of King &Spalding in Atlanta. 加入前索纳特,他是一个合伙人在律师事务所国王&斯伯丁在亚特兰大。
- When he gets a job with the law firm of Bendini, Lambert &Locke it seems to be the path to money and power. 他幸运地获得在著名法律事务所工作的机会,并期望可以名利双收。
- A. former federal prosecutor, he is currently a partner in the law firm of Sonnenschein Nath &Rosenthal. 严禁发表危害国家安全、破坏民族团结、破坏国家宗教政策、破坏社会稳定、侮辱、诽谤、教唆、淫秽等内容的作品;
- Lehman is responsible for the insolvency application of the international law firm of Weil, Gotshal &Manges 21, refused to respond to this request. 负责雷曼破产申请的威嘉国际律师事务所21日拒绝回应这一要求。
- Yesterday afternoon, the reporters on the "CND restrictions" and "CND" the legality of the conflict, had an interview with Guangdong Shunhua Xiaoxiong Hui law firm of lawyers. 昨日下午,记者就“来电号码显示限制”与“来电显示”发生冲突是否合法一事,采访了广东舜华律师事务所的肖雄辉律师。
- I am articled to a firm of lawyers. 我受雇在一家律师公司做见习生。
- "For the time being, the strategy for developed countries is to go further into new-generation technology and value-added products," said Yan Lan, a Beijing-based specialist on international trade with the French law firm of Gide Loyrette Nouel. 法国吉德法律事务所国际贸易北京总部专家严南说:“发达国家暂时的策略应是,进一步进入新一代技术和增值产品。”
- Make it under the name of Alex Dai. 记在戴先生的名下。
- However, the Columbia law firm of lawyers ak (Chuck Muckenfuss) noted that while Office of the Comptroller of the currency is very low-key words, not easily recognize the "rules of the game change. 在高风险的商业地产投资领域,别说是直接投资,甚至连银行在商业房地产市场拥有高比例的贷款,也时常令金融监管者们担忧。
- He is the godfather of Alex Sadkin's children. 他是阿里克斯。塞德金的孩子们的教父。
- Phil was articled to a firm of lawyers. 菲尔签约在一家律师事务所当见习生。
- He has set up a firm of his own. 他自己开了一家公司。
- She worked as a typist in a law firm. 她在一家律师事务所当打字员。
- At the time, I was associated with him in a large law firm. 当时我跟他一起在某一大律师事务所工作。
- He is articled to a firm of lawyers. 他受雇在一家律师公司见习。
- Defender: Dou Jingjun, lawyer of Guangzhou Baiyue Law Firm. 辩护人:窦景俊,广州市百越律师事务所律师。
- He's on the road for a firm of biscuit. 他正在外地为一家饼干公司做推销工作。
- He become a partner in a firm of solicitor. 他成为一家律师事务所的合伙人。
- A fiery April17 memo by the Shanghai Lawyers Association has accused foreign law firms of conducting" illegal business activities" by skirting regulations prohibiting them from practicing Chinese law. 炎热的4月17日,上海市律师协会举办的内部会议上,指责外国律所绕开禁止外国律所从事中国法律事务的规定,开展"非法经营活动"。