- Lava ejected from the volcano. 熔岩从火山中喷出。
- Lava was ejected from the volcano. 熔岩受到压挤而从火山口喷射出来。
- Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. 熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。
- Molten lava erupted from the top of the volcano. 熔岩从火山顶喷了出来。
- Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。
- Lava spewed forth from the volcano. 熔岩从火山喷吐出来了。
- The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema. 吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。
- Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano. 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。
- Henry was ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that he owed. 亨利由于未能交付欠款而被逐出该俱乐部。
- Lava is extruded from the volcano. 熔岩从火山中喷出。
- He was ejected from the theater for noisiness. 他因为吵闹而被赶出戏院。
- Matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth. 呕吐物通过嘴从胃中喷出的物体
- He was forcibly ejected from the restaurant. 他被强行逐出餐馆。
- Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano. 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷出。
- Steam burst from the top of the volcano. 蒸汽从火山顶部突然喷出。
- Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano. 首先是玄武岩浆从中间喷发,构成火山。
- Thus, a lot of steams come out from the volcano. 在绿树环抱的箱根中惟独大涌谷山岩裸露,岩缝间喷出的地热蒸气雾气腾腾,令人感到地球的生命运动,尉为壮观。
- During an eruption of volcano, scalding lava was ejected from it. 火山爆发时,滚烫的熔岩从里喷出。
- He was ejected from the museum for noisiness. 他因为吵闹而被赶出博物馆。
- The village was overwhelmed by ash from the volcano. 村子被火山灰覆盖。