- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- He locked the door and pressed the bolt home. 他锁上房门,并插好插销。
- The late boy made a beeline for his classroom. 迟到的男孩抄捷径跑去上课。
- I have a fear that we will be late. 我怕我们要迟到了。
- The bolt slotted smoothly into place. 插销很容易就插上了。
- The dean returned in the late afternoon. 系主任是在傍晚时分回来的。
- Remember to bolt all the doors and windows. 别忘将所有门窗闩住。
- I rammed the bolt back across the door. 我把门拴上。
- We need an eye bolt to fit this valve. 我们需要一个有眼螺栓来固定这个阀门。
- Do you ever take the subway alone late at night? 你有没有在深夜单独乘过地铁?
- The bolt sheared (off) and the wheel came off. 螺栓折了,轮子脱了出来。
- We shall find out the truth early or late. 我们迟早会查明事实真相。
- When the man brought him water, he drank eagerly, and later bolted a generous meal of raw meat, chuck by chunk, from the man's hand. 那人把水拿给他,他急切地喝了,之后又从那人手里成块成块地囫囵吞吃了许多生肉。
- Oversleeping is a lame excuse for being late. 睡过头不是迟到的充足理由。
- My parents always frown on late nights out. 我父母向来不赞成深夜外出。
- Don't bolt your food you'll get indigestion! 别这麽狼吞虎咽--你会消化不良的!
- She slid the bolt back and opened the door. 她推开门闩,把门打开。
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 这音乐夜晚听起来很好听。
- The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue. 他死亡的消息好似晴天霹雳。