- Last Known Port 最后已知港口
- His last known domicile was10 New Street, Cambridge. 他最后为人所知的住处在剑桥新街十号。
- It is one of the last known underwater wonderlands on Earth. 它是地球上最后一处海底仙境。
- We tried to find him at his last known address but the bird had flown. 我们试图按他上次的地址去的他,但是他已消失了。
- If you close the program, you will be refreshed to the last known position. 如果您关闭游戏,您会回到上次游戏结尾。
- Buddha is the last known biological ascension contained within the genetic archives of the human species on Earth. 释迦牟尼是地球人类的遗传档案中所知的最后一次生物提升。
- The system reverted to its last known good configuration. The system is restarting. 系统恢复为最近一次的正确配置。系统正在重新启动。
- What was the last known address and phone number of the practice of this psychiatrist, psychologist, etc. 精神病医生或心理医生的您知道的地址和电话。
- Allingham was the last known survivor of the Battle of Jutland, considered the greatest battle of World War I. 阿林厄姆是一战最大的战役日德兰海战中最后一名为人所知的幸存者。
- Buddha was the last known ascension and took his body into the fourth dimension. 佛陀是所知的最后一次提升并且将他的身体带入第四维度。
- Battalion: Last known coordiants are being patched through to your A.L.I.C.E. units, standby. 指挥部:最新怪物资料正在补充到你们的A.;L
- Such member shall be informed of the imposition of a late charge on his account by written notice sent to his last known address. 本社事前将按其登记之最新地址迳寄一份书面通知与该社员,叙明关于扣除股款以作徵收服务费之事宜。
- Instead, you should reboot the system with the "last known good" configuration to discard the most recent changes to the service configuration. 此时,应使用“最后一次正确”的配置重新启动系统,以丢弃最近对服务配置所作的更改。
- Approximately 13 files consisting of the last known complete and uncorrupted set of catalog files stored in a Save subdirectory. 存储在Save子目录中的已知最为完整的、未损坏的一组编录文件,大约13个。
- The druids informed her that Malfurion was last known to be meditating, and that there was no sign that intruders had violated the Moonglade. 德鲁伊们告诉她他们最后一次得知玛法里奥时他是在冥想中,而且没有迹象表明有入侵者进入了月光林地。
- U.S.-based rights group says China has released the last known prisoner jailed for so-called hooliganism during the 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement. 总部设在美国的人权组织“对话基金会”说,中国释放了最后一名人们所知的因1989年天安门运动期间被判所谓流氓罪而入狱的囚犯。
- If the firewall were to accept the packet and return it to the originating machine, it would be accepting random SYN requests for services on well known ports behind the firewall. 如果防火墙要接收该数据包并将其返回发起的计算机,则它会接收防火墙后面 已知端口上服务的随机 SYN 请求。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- It appears that the knowledge had been bartered away to the dark forces in some of the last known incomplete ascensions. 看来在最后所知的一些非完全提升之中,这类能量知识已被交易到黑暗力量手中。