- A common seagull (Larus argentatus) of the Northern Hemisphere having gray and white plumage with black wing tips. 银鸥:北半球常见的一种海鸥(银鸥),有灰色和白色羽毛并有黑色翼尖
- 1. A common seagull (Larus argentatus) of the Northern Hemisphere having gray and white plumage with black wing tips. 银鸥:北半球常见的一种海鸥(银鸥),有灰色和白色羽毛并有黑色翼尖
- Larus argentatusn. 银鸥
- Est Su larus oth Mitllaer.Charge, Collingwood Magpies. 证婚人我应该是非常有经验了。
- Est Su larus oth Mitllaer.Charge, Collingwood Magpies.God bless you. 需要建立起的一个强大的国家,需要武力。
- Est Su larus oth Mitllaer.Charge, Collingwood Magpies.God bless you.Serve for the people! 哈利作为接班人已经基本上可以承担起责任了,所以邓也可以安息了。
- This article shows the characteristics of foraging and nesting habitats for Saunders Gull ( Larus saundersi ) in Yancheng Biosphere Reserve. 对江苏盐城黑嘴鸥繁殖期觅食地和营巢地及其主要特征进行了调查。
- Two new species of Haliotrema Johnston & Tiegs, parasiting in the gills of Os-tichthys japonicus ( Cuvier & Valenciennes ) and Branchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes) were described. 记述了分别寄生于日本骨?Ostichthys japonicus(Cuvier & Valencienne)和银方头鱼Branchioste- gun argentatus(Cuvier & Valenciennes)鳃上的海盘虫属两新种.
- Est Su larus oth Mitllaer. 人老了就糊涂了,自然的。
- A Review on Studies of the Relict Gull Larus relictus 遗鸥研究概述
- Primary Study on Fishery Biology ofBranchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier) at FishingGround Off North of Mindong 闽东北外海渔场银方头鱼 Branchiostegus argentatus(Cuvier)渔业生物学初步研究
- Preliminary Study on Fisheries Biology of Yellow Horsehead Branchiostegus argentatus on the Fishing Ground off Northeast Fujian 闽东北外海渔场银方头鱼渔业生物学初步研究
- Status and Prospectives for Silver horsehead,Branchiostegus argentatus(Cuvier et Valenciennes)Resource off Sea of South-Central in East China Sea 东海中南部外海银方头鱼资源状况及开发前景
- Study on feeding habit and nutrient level of Portunus argentatus, P.sanguinolentus and Charybdis feriatu in Fujian sea area 福建海区拥剑梭子蟹、红星梭子蟹和锈斑?的食性与营养级研究
- Breeding Habitat Selection of Saunders'Gull Larus saundersi in Yancheng of Jiangsu Province 江苏盐城黑嘴鸥的繁殖栖息地选择
- Larus Relictus Resource Distribution at Hongjiannao Lake in the North of Shaanxi and Protectin Countermeasures 陕北红碱淖湿地遗鸥资源分布与保护管理对策
- Study on the Restoration of the Larus Saundersi's Original Breeding Site in Luanhekou Wetland 滦河口湿地黑嘴鸥原繁殖地恢复研究
- Argyrosomus argentatus 白姑鱼
- Pteropus argentatusn. 银狐蝠
- Chalinolobus argentatusn. 银蝶蝠