- Taking the geological condition in the harbour district Jingtang Port as the model,the detail analysis on lowering water level by large diameter well point are given in the paper. 以京唐港地区地质条件为模型,对大口径井点降水进行了详细的分析,对大口径井点降水在实际工程应用具有理论参考价值。
- "virtual large diameter well" method “大井法”
- large diameter well 大口径井
- Approaching a Technical Problem of Home-made Large Diameter Bend. 大口径弯管国产化技术问题探讨。
- So it finds wide application in the fields of mineral and geological coring exploration, hydrogeological water well drilling, large diameter rock embedded foundation p... 在复杂地层地质岩心勘探、水文水井钻凿、大直径硬岩基桩孔钻进等领域全面应用,取得了显著经济与社会效益。
- Large diameter wafers are feasible and 200-mm wafers have been produced. 大直径片子已不难制造,200mm的片子也已产生了。
- A down-hole autotracking well pumping unit different from the conventional pumping unit was designed. 针对抽油技术的现状和存在的问题,设计了一种不同于有杆抽油方法的井下自动跟踪式抽油装置。
- Bassoon diameter well cementation is one of project of maritime artesian well special operation. 大管径固井是海上钻井工程中的一项非凡作业。
- The superior quality apparel fabric described in this article, is knitted on precision-made large diameter machine from well packed first class materials with a high degree of evenness and cleanness. 生产高档针织服装面料需选用优质原料,使用高均匀度、无结、高度清洁、包装完好的纱线,在高精度的大圆机上织造而成。
- Remove the spring retainer and spring. Note that the large diameter of the spring is down on the guide assembly. 拆卸弹簧固定器和弹簧。注意在引导总成上弹簧的直径有所减少。
- Mixing musts in Red fermeters is much more difficult as the pump used is a centrifugal pump, and does not cope well pumping skins etc. 而对立式罐来讲,因使用的是离心泵,不适合打葡萄皮等固性物,要在其中对果浆进行混合却是极其困难的。
- Hardfaced seating surfaces, large diameter hinge pins, and corrosion resistant bearing surfaces help lengthen operating life in tough surfaces. 经过硬面处理的阀座表面,大直径铰链销,以及防腐蚀轴承表面,有助于延长坚硬表面的使用寿命。
- They are lowering the raw water tower(deep well pump)now, so only the emergency generator can be operated. 正在下放海水塔(深井泵),只能开应急发电机。
- Shandong Province is the largest diameter hose manufacturer. 是山东省最大口径胶管生产厂家。
- To add a new unit under the pump,it makes the oil tube telescopes elastically as the oil well pump moves up and down. 在泵下增设一个新装置,使抽油泵上下运动时,油管产生弹性伸缩。
- The 7 kinds of organic phosphorus pesticides in injecting water sample wits Gas Chromatography equipped with ECD, large diameter capillary columu. 用电子捕获检测器,大孔径毛细管色谱柱直接进水样分析7种有机磷农药。
- Manufacture Large Diameter R.C. Drainage Pipe with Roller Suspension New Process to Save Energy? 节能型悬辊法生产大口径钢筋混凝土排水管?
- To solve the problems with the measuring of the verticality of oil well pump liners, a simple measuring meter is designed. 为解决抽油泵衬套垂直度测量较困难的问题,根据抽油泵衬套的特点,设计了抽油泵衬套垂直度简易测量仪。
- Can not pile frames, dual vibratory hammer or hammer in high tonnage joint use of large diameter pile. 还可以不用桩架组合,双锤或多锤在高吨位大直径管桩上联合使用。
- Blasthole deflection is an severe adverse factor when mining is carried out using large diameter long hole blasting . 在大直径深孔采矿中 ,炮孔偏斜是非常不利的因素。