- Large structural parameter 大结构参数
- The thesis analyzes the vibration character of large tonnage cable crane underwater by large structural software. 本文利用大型结构分析软件对大吨位缆索吊机锚碇组合结构在洪水期的振动特性进行了分析,提出了合理的结构形式;
- At present, there seems no ideal way to determine reasonable structural parameter of the stopes of Sui-Chang Gold Mine. 对于遂昌金矿合理的采场结构参数,目前没有理想的确定方法。
- Structural parameter S of metal ion is defined in terms of electronegativity, electrocharge number and ionic radius. 由电负性、电荷数和离子半径定义一个离子结构参数S。
- A fuzzy multicriteria modelling method of defining a structural parameter for representing the grade of welding defect damage is presented. 提出了根据模糊综合评判、定义结构参数用以表示焊接缺陷损伤程度的方法。
- The structural parameter for austenitic phasetransformation has a great effect on the characteristic of martensitic transformation. 发现奥氏体相变结构参数对马氏体相变特性有很大影响。
- A large structure or group of structures marking an entrance or approach. 塔门标志进口或前进的大型建筑或建筑群
- The durability test procedure and its structural parameter of Santana clutch are briefly introduced. The performance and fault of Santana clutch are analyzed in this paper. 本文简介桑塔纳轿车离合器耐久试验过程和其结构参数,分析桑塔纳离合器的性能及一些故障产生的可能原因。
- A constitutive model of unsaturated intact loess was obtained by the generalizing shear stress dividing by the structural parameter increasing monotonously with shear strain. 试验揭示了湿陷性黄土具有剪缩剪胀性,表明应力比与剪缩剪胀应变比之间具有良好的线性关系;
- According to the production ability of small workshop,the selection and determination of structural parameter and technological parameter for straightening machine are discussed. 根据小型车间生产能力,论述了矫直机结构参数和工艺参数的选择与确定。
- Accoording to the result on observation of rock pressure,adaptability of telescopiform bolt in soft rock road and reasonable structural parameter are analysed. 根据矿压观测结果分析了可拉伸锚杆对软岩巷道支护的适应性及其合理的结构参数。
- One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures. 建筑师设计并监管建筑物或其它大型设备的构造的人
- A new method for launching and lightering large structures by using an air floated platform is introduced in the paper. 本文介绍了一种利用入泥式气浮升降平台对大型结构物进行过驳和下水的方法。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- MAPS has been used by AEA for measuring residual stresses on large structures such as oil refineries, large diameter pipelines and even railway lines. 地图已经被使用的引气剂残余应力测量的大型结构,如炼油厂,大口径管道,甚至铁路线。
- Further, the role of modulation enters as another means of enhancing larger structural relations. 甚者,转调成为增强更大的结构关系的另一个工具。
- The dragging and slipping technique for loading large structure with discontinuous and dissymmetrical slide shoes on board is presented in detail. 本文较详细地介绍了带有间断不对称式滑靴的大型结构物拖拉滑移装船技术。
- Through testing research to get better effect, as structural parameter carries out optimization, establishes theory and experiment foundation for the actual application of this technology. 通过实验对其结构参数进行了优化,为该技术的实际应用奠定了理论与实验基础。
- If these ships had been parked in formation, refueling over the complex, the STARS might have mistaken such large structures as part of the factory. 如果这些舰只编队停泊,在工业区上方补充燃料,星群间谍卫星很可能误认为是工厂的一部分。
- The result indicates, the form of stress strain relations adding the structural parameter are converted into the hyperbolic form, and could be calculated with the expression of hyperbola. 结果表明,引入结构性参数后的应力应变曲线转化为有规律性的双曲线形态,并可用双曲线拟合计算。