- Large reduction leveling 大压下量矫直
- How much noise reduction level have you achieved ? 你已经达成多少噪音减少水平?
- That 's out of the question! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. 这根本不可能!你不要希望我们打这么大的折扣。
- Taking the wiper motor for example,this paper introduces the measuring methods and system of the mini motor with large reduction component. 以刮水电动机为例,介绍小型电动机在附有大减速机构时的测量方法与系统。
- The continual descending of diesel fuels lubricity originated from large reduction of sulfur and aromatics in diesel fuels caused increased wear in high pressure injection system. 柴油低硫低芳烃导致润滑性下降,高压燃油喷射系统的磨损问题突出。
- Under a road or railway, a sewer is best laid in a heading. In this way, the actual road or railway remains undisturbed during the sewer construction and a large reduction in excavation is possible. 公路和铁路下的排水管最好铺在地道内,这样管道施工期间不影响公路和铁路的使用,也可大大减少土方工程。
- If import duties are imposed at a very high rate on items that can be regarded as necessities that cannot be produced locally, there may not be a large reduction in the quantities imported. 如果对本国不能生产的许多生活必需品征收很高的进口关税,可能不会大幅度减少进口。
- Kepima,Yoshiyuki W,Yoshio T,et al.Ferrite Grain Refinement by Large Reduction per Pass in Non-recrystallization Temperature Region of Austenite[J].ISIJ International,1996,36(5):6301. 冯光宏;李岩;戴蓓蓉;等.;在未再结晶区大压下后加速冷却工艺对钢板带状组织的影响[J]
- LDL-C reduction was categorized as no reduction (<10 mg/dL;reference), small reduction (between 10 and 40 mg/dL), moderate reduction (between 40 and 70 mg/dL), or large reduction (70 mg/dL). 根据LDL-C的减少分为无减少组(<10mg/dL,推荐量)、较少减少(10-40mg/dL)、适度减少(40-70mg/dL)、明显减少(70mg/dL)共四组。
- In practice, mycotoxin-free foods are almost impossible and control measures taken over the world are solely focus on the reduction levels in feeds or foods. 由于实际上无法做到使食物完全不含霉菌毒素,因此世界各地政府只好采取控制措施,重点减低饲料或食物中霉菌毒素的含量。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- Generally when you make large reductions in calories, your body’s calorie-burning engine, also known as its metabolism, can shift into a lower gear, negative fat loss. 一般来说当你大量减少热量摄入时,你身体里的热量燃烧机器会察觉到新陈代谢的这一变化,并自动调低一档,避免脂肪流失。
- This paper present a model of data mining based on rough set, from apply various reductive level algorithms on practical data to elicit information set, and get a rules set eventually. 本文提出一种基于粗糙集理论的数据挖掘模型,从实际数据出发,运用不同简化层次的算法,导出每个层次上的信息集,最后得到规则集。
- At its most reductive level, the logic of signage implies that any number of readers sharing the same culture as the artist will, on looking at his or her image, recognize all of its components. 就最原始程度而言,标识的逻辑在于,让与艺术家拥有相同文化背景的观者能看出摄影作品中的各种元素。
- Tax rate factors: the company is the largest steel exporters, the export tax rebate cut, increase export tariffs and the impact of the RMB exchange rate rose a larger reduction in net profit. 税收汇率因素:公司是国内最大的钢材出口商,受出口退税下调、加征出口关税和人民币汇率上涨影响较大,净利润减少。
- Large billboards have disfigured the scenery. 大型告示板已破坏了景色。
- "Among the women who made larger reductions in saturated and transfat, we saw trends toward reduction in heart disease. 通过那些在脂肪渗透和转移方面有更多的减少的妇女,我们可以看到在心脏疾病方面的减少趋势。
- Tax rate factors: the company is the largest steel exporters, by the export tax rebate cut, add export tariffs and the impact of the RMB exchange rate rose a larger reduction in net profit. 税收汇率因素:公司是国内最大的钢材出口商,受出口退税下调、加征出口关税和人民币汇率上涨影响较大,净利润减少。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。