- Lacking backing or support. 无助的没有后盾或支持
- A handle or projection used as a hold or support. 柄一个柄或凸出物,作为把手或抓的东西
- Situated in the back or at the side. 后门的,边门的位于后面的或旁边的
- Hanging back or falling behind; dilatory. 畏缩不前的或落后的; 迟误拖拉的
- A band of material worn round the wrist for warmth or support. 腕套,护腕用来保暖或支撑而戴在手腕的带状物
- To furnish or strengthen with a back or backing. 背靠,加固用后背或支持物装备或加强
- To show impatience at being held back or delayed. 急不可待因受阻拦或耽误而显得急不可待
- The point or support on which a lever pivots. 支点杠杆的支点或支轴
- Hanging back or falling behind;dilatory. 畏缩不前的或落后的;迟误拖拉的
- Protection or support;patronage. 保护或支持;庇护
- Do you sleep on your back or your front? 你睡觉是仰着还是躺着?
- To draw back or shy away, as from fear;flinch. 畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩
- A commitment, as of time or support. 投入时间或帮助的投入
- Giving assistance or support; helping. 辅助的给予帮助或支持的;帮助的
- She was wondering whether to go back or stay. 她不知是回去好还是留下来好。
- To decorate, protect, or support with bushes. 用灌木装饰、保护或支撑
- Directed or facing toward the back or rear. 向后的指向或面向后边或后部的
- To provide with a base or support. 垫起提供基础或支持
- Whether you will come back or not is fine with me. 你回不回我都没问题。
- To provide with or support by a corbel or corbels. 提供托臂或用托臂支撑