- As a result, in 1947 Congress passed the Labor Management Relations Act over President Truman's veto. 1947年,国会在推翻了杜鲁门总统的否决之后,通过了“劳工管理关系法”。
- He might continue to manage relations with the Peronist base. 他可能还是会继续掌管并协调与庇隆主义分子的关系。
- Construction of Modern Labour Management 现代人才管理机制的构建
- labour management of building industry 建筑业劳动管理
- labour management of industrial enterprise 工业企业劳动管理
- The changes were not productive of better labour relations. 这些改变并未能使劳资关系获得改善。
- Therefore, investment management relates not only to increment fund management, but also to stock fund management. 因此,投资管理不仅涉及到企业的增量资产管理问题,还涉及到企业存量资产的管理问题。
- Some PMOs, however, do coordinate and manage related projects. 但是,有些项目管理办公室的确协调和管理互相联系的项目。
- Organization Relations Labor Management Relations 企业组织与人力资源管理
- Brief View on the Labour Management of Foreign Companies in China 浅谈我国外资企业的劳动管理
- Internal audits shall cover all quality management related processes, activities and shifts, and shall be scheduled according to an annual plan. 内部审核必须覆盖所有与质量管理有关的过程、活动和班次,且必须按年度计划进行安排。
- Management Relations in Nonprofit Organization 非营利科研组织中的治理关系
- The mill where we often labour is a paper mill. 我们经常劳动的工厂是造纸厂。
- To familiarize students with basic concepts of statistics, application and practice of statistics in information management related fields. 培养学生瞭解统计分析实务在资管领域之应用与分析。
- He is a man of consequence in the Labour Party. 他是工党中举足轻重的人物。
- This issue is focused on the strategies of airway management related to the prevention of VAP according to the latest clinical evidence. 本文结合最新的临床研究证据阐明气道管理与VAP防治的策略。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- Atomic Energy Labor Management Relations Panel 原子能工作管理关系组
- The farm labour force is running down steadily. 农场里的劳动力在不断减少。
- Other requirements on risk control and management relating to various kinds of assets shall be issued separately by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. 有关其他各类资产风险控制与管理的具体要求,由中国银行业监督管理委员会另行规定。