- LWD Lens for System Condenser 长工作距系统聚光镜
- The gunsight has an infrared lens for night vision. 射击瞄准器装有用于夜间视力的红外线镜头。
- Wear your lens for swimming or showering. 在沐浴或游泳时,配戴隐形眼镜。
- The photographer chose a fast lens for the shoot. 该摄影师选择快速镜头拍摄。
- Reliability engineering for system II. 系统可靠性工程2。
- A kind of computer language for system programming. 一种系统程序设计用的计算机语言。
- Care to share how much you got the lens for and from which shop? 介不介意讲出来这支镜头花多少钱得到的和在那一家店买?
- Maintain an audit trail and documentation for system audits. 为系统审计保留审计跟踪和文档。
- Fast 180mm or 200mm prime: Longest general use lens for photojournalism. 快速180mm或200mm:新闻摄影师通常使用的最长的焦距。
- So that the first user can use that for system administration. 让第一个使用者可以利用它来进行系统管理。
- When we use macro lens for portrait, I would suggest to set sharpness to low. 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
- Specified process under the thread monitor, debug for system use. 指定进程下的线程监控器,用于系统调试使用。
- The similarity theory lays the theoretic foundation for system simulation. 相似论为系统仿真奠定了理论基础。
- Imaging characteristic of Fresnel lens for parallel incident rays is analyzed by ray tracing and experiments. 利用光线追迹与实验的方法,对菲涅耳透镜在平行光照明时的成像特性进行了分析。
- It is animportant task for system administrator to manage the Oracle database. 因此,管理好Oracle数据库是系统管理员的一项重要工作。
- The water creates a shifting lens for the way we see the environment- both highlights and obscures our viewing. 水创建一个方法,我们发现周围的环境转移镜头,都突出和掩饰我们的观看。
- Slippingmodel MPCA can detect the function for system in small time as ... 仿真实例验证了该方法的有效性。
- His daily work is to rough out the lenses for cameras. 他每天的工作是制作照相机镜片的毛坯。
- The lenses for giant telescopes are very expensive to grind. 磨制巨型望远镜的镜片价格非常昂贵。