- Professor LU De ming believed that the causes of thyropathy were liver depression,spleen asthenia,exopathgen,qi stagnation and dampness phlegm. 陆德铭教授认为甲状腺疾病的病因主要是肝郁、脾虚、外邪入侵、气滞、湿痰。
- East Sakexun king Ethelbert mounts A.D. in Lu De door mountaintop for 604 years,cathedral who has constructed the initial stage Sallo Paulo. 公元604年,东撒克逊王埃塞尔伯特在卢德门山顶上,建造了初期的圣保罗大教堂。
- lu de ho ho ta chu ,nia bou si chun..... (你要好好读书;才不会死蠢...)....新学噶普宁话.......
- Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him. 请你转告他陆明正设法跟他联系。
- I suppose we'll have lunch at the Ming Tombs. 我想我们将在十三陵吃午饭。
- C'est Marie qui a lu ce roman de Balzac. 是玛丽读的巴尔扎克的小说。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- How do Li Ming improve his English? 李明是怎样提高他的英语水平的?
- Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker. 陆同志表现突出,是一个劳动模范。
- A native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 巴西里约热内卢人或里约热内卢的居民
- Author BAI De ming;WANG Dai quan;GAO Shu lin;et al(Dept of Pedia tric Orthopaedics;Shanxi Children s Hospital;Taiyuan 030013;China); 作者白德明;王代全;高书林;牛建梅;李欣;
- Evening dress is de rigueur at the Casino. 在赌博娱乐场要穿晚礼服。
- Their intimate conversation made me feel de trop. 他们亲切交谈,使我感到自己是个多余的人。
- The regiment had a strong esprit de corps. 这个兵团有很强的团体精神。
- Author ZHAO Bao Ren;REN Guang Fa;CAO De Ming;YANG Yu Ling (Institute of Oceanology;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Qingdao;266071); 作者赵保仁;任广法;曹德明;杨玉玲;
- The prime minister is de facto president of the country. 这位总理实际上就是这个国家的总统。
- Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang Ping. 李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Liu Ming: Bonjour. Auriez-vous une chambre de type standard ? 刘明:你好!您这(儿)有标准间吗?
- You can have the de luxe model if you like, but it'll cost you. 你愿意的话,可以买高级的,不过得花很多钱。