- Use the Left ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys to move to the Contents, Index, and other non-document windows. 使用向左键和向右键可移动至“目录”、“索引”和其他非文档窗口。
- Use the left arrow key and right arrow key to aim the putter 使用左右键控制球杆
- Click the right arrow or left arrow button. 单击向右键按钮和向左键按钮。
- Press the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW keys to move the shape in the direction that you want. 按向上键、向下键、向右键或向左键,沿所需方向移动形状。
- You can move the insertion point in the text box by pressing the Left Arrow or Right Arrow keys on your keyboard. 按键盘上的向左或向右箭头键可移动文本框中的插入点。
- Select it to activate the slider bar on the right, then use the leave and right arrows to adjust the volume. 使用时先选择该项,激活右边的滑动条,然后用左箭头或右箭头来进行音量调整。
- To move or "nudge" the shape in very small increments, hold down CTRL while you press the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW keys. 若要以非常小的增量移动或“微移”形状,请在按住Ctrl的同时按向上键、向下键、向右键或向左键。
- You can also press RIGHT ARROW or DOWN ARROW to cycle forward one window, or press LEFT ARROW or UP ARROW to cycle backward one window. 还可以按“向右键”或“向下键”向前循环切换一个窗口,或者按“向左键”或“向上键”向后循环切换一个窗口。
- To see more effects, click the left and right arrow buttons in the Video Effects window. 要查看更多效果,请点按“视频效果”窗口中的左右箭头按钮。
- You can scroll through your music libraries automatically by using the left and right arrow buttons. 通过使用向左箭头和向右箭头按钮,可以在音乐库中自动滚动。
- Game: small keyboard control around the left arrow and the right side, next small keyboard arrows to control deformation. 游戏方法:小键盘左右箭头控制左移和右移,小键盘上下箭头控制变形。
- Users can navigate through the mask by using the left and right arrow keys or the mouse cursor, and can skip optional positions in the mask by entering a space. 用户可以通过使用左箭头和右箭头或鼠标指针在掩码中移动,或者可以通过输入空格跳过掩码中的可选位置。
- A development for Europe is this additional small barge board (right arrow) in front of the main one (left arrow), connected to the protruding horizontal turning vane in similar fashion to a solution used by BAR last year. 主侧板(左边箭头)前面所增加的这个小侧板(右边箭头)是欧洲站的一个改进,它连接到突起的水平导向叶片上,类似于英美去年曾使用过的一个方案。
- He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire. 持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。
- He let go another arrow and hit the deer. 他又发了一箭,射中了那只鹿。
- The issue really boils down to a clash between left and right. 这场争论确实可归结为左派与右派之间的冲突。
- Cupid aimed his arrow and struck me right in the heart. 爱神丘比特瞄准他的箭,正好射中了我的心。
- Resizes columns using the arrow and tab keys. 用箭头键和制表符键来调整列宽。
- Suddenly a cold breeze blew in and right away he felt better. 突然吹进一股凉风,他顿时感觉好了一些。