- front turn signal lamp 前转信号灯
- He has accustomed himself to front turn,but can not rear pivot. 他习惯于前转身,不会后转身。
- He has accustomed himself to front turn, but can not rear pivot. 他习惯于前转身,不会后转身。
- Install turn signal lamp bulb. 安装转向信号灯灯泡。
- Now, the only thing not working was the turn signal blinker. 现在,唯一的事情是没有工作的转向信号信号灯。
- One obvious exterior clue is the square turn signal lights on the front fenders between the wheel opening and the headlights. 一个明显的外部线索是正方形打开车轮之间的开放和前大灯的前翼子板信号灯。
- Turn signal switch, light changling switch, lamp switch. Emergency switch, wipper switch, ignition switch, antibur glary mechanism, assurance button steering column with tilt-angle, the height of steering wheel is adjustable. 转向开关、变光开关、灯控开关、紧急信号开关、雨刮开关、点火开关、防盗锁车机构、保险按钮、可变倾角转向管柱、方向盘高度可调整。
- Rotate turn signal bulb socket counterclockwise, pull on bulb to remove. 逆时钟旋转转向信号灯灯泡插座,拔下灯泡。
- Did you use the turn signals properly? 你正确使用转向灯了吗?
- You must turn on your turn signal at least 100 feet before the turn. 在转弯之前至少100码就应该打转向灯。
- Differences between the concept and production version seem to include colored turn signal indicators, a revised front bumper with a center support, and a slightly modified steering wheel. 概念之间的差别和生产版本似乎包括彩色转向信号的指标,经修订的前保险杠与中心的支持,并略作修改方向盘.
- A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。
- For how many feet before you start to turn should you begin your turn signal when you are driving on a highway? 在高速上转弯时应提前多长距离打指示灯?
- It is located in the steering column as part of a combination dimmer, horn, and turn signal switch. 它位于转向柱上,作为组合变光开关、喇叭和转向信号开关的一部分。
- A red lamp is used as a danger signal. 红灯用作危险信号。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- Single square holder responds to the insert for front turning, back turning, grooving, threading, round nose shape cutting and cutting off operations. 不同功能切削刀片如前扫刀,后扫刀,切槽刀,螺纹刀,圆鼻刀,切断刀皆适用于长方形的刀柄上
- When it is safe, give a right turn signal and take up position just left of the middle of the road or in the space marked for right-turning Traffic. 情况安全的话,发出右转信号,然后驶至路中央偏左处,或驶入画上右转道路标记的行车。
- The nurse has taken a first-aid kit. 护士已经带上了一套急救用品。