- Kwun Tong Bypass 观塘绕道
- And Kwun Tong Road will be temporarily closed for road works. 开源道的西面路旁行车线将会临时封闭,以便进行道路工程。
- A footbridge connects to existing footbridge across Kwun Tong Road. 一段行人天桥连接现有横跨观塘道的行人天桥。
- D.,1/F., Phase 4, Kwun Tong Ind.Centre, 436Kwun Tong road, Kln., H. 九龙官塘道436号官塘工业中心四期一楼D室 Rm.
- About half of the patients are residing in Kwun Tong and Sha Tin Districts. 约半数病人居于观塘及沙田区。
- Kwun Tong Animal Hospital, 35 Luen On Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 98官塘动物医院,香港九龙官塘联安街35号。
- Bus sto along Kwun Tong Road may be reorganised in the wake of the accident. 观塘道一带巴士站可能要重组,以防意外再度发生。
- Bus stops along Kwun Tong Road may be reorganised in the wake of the accident. 观塘道一带巴士站可能要重组,以防意外再度发生。
- Volunteers will visit the singleton elderly in the Kwun Tong District at least once every two months for one year. 各组义工将于未来一年内,最少每两个月探访观塘区的独居长者一次。
- Swift access through Millennium City 3 with a newly constructed car lane linking Chong Yip Street with Kwun Tong Road. 新建行车接驳通道直达3期地面大堂并贯通创业街及观塘道,交通便捷。
- The bulk of its archival holdings is held at the purpose-built Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong. 历史档案大部分存放于特别兴建的观塘香港历史档案大楼。
- The bulk of the archival holding is held at the Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong, Kowloon. 历史文献大部分存放于九龙观塘的香港历史档案大楼。
- Meanwhile, the high percentage in Kwun Tong District was mainly due to the cases in Amoy Gardens. 此外,观塘区的百分比较高,主要是由于淘大花园的个案。
- The first passenger train of the Kwun Tong Line of the MTR started operation in late 1979. 地下铁路观塘线的首部载客列车在一九七九年底投入服务,其后,荃湾线、港岛线和东区过海铁路隧道(连接观塘和?
- Trai on the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals. 现时观塘、荃湾和港岛线每五分钟一班车。
- Applications may be submitted by post to the Kwun Tong Licensing Office at P.O. Box 69511, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kowloon. 你可将填妥的申请表格寄交九观塘邮政局邮政信箱69511号运输署观塘牌照事务处。
- Applications may be submitted by registered post to the Kwun Tong Licensing Office at P.O. Box 69511, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kowloon. 你可将填妥的申请表格用挂号信寄交九龙观塘邮政局邮政信箱69511号运输署观塘牌照事务处。
- Active participation in various contests and competitions held by different organisations in Kwun Tong area and the Junior Police Call. 积极参与观塘区各项比赛及少年警讯活动。
- Kwun Tong Line, the first passenger Line of MTR providing mass transit service to Kwun Tong, started operation in late 1979. 地下铁路首条客运线是观塘线,在1979年底开始运作,提供集体运输服务至观塘。
- Notices will be displayed at the bus stop on Kwun Tong Road outside Kwun Tong Industrial Centre to advise passengers of the above changes. 在位于观塘道西行观塘工业中心外巴士站将会张贴告示,通知乘客有关安排。