- Kuwait City is pretty far from Des Plaines, Illinois. 科威特城距伊利诺伊州的德斯普兰斯有千里之遥,
- At the same time, the Arab troo drove into Kuwait City. 同时,阿拉伯军队攻入科威特城。
- Kuwait Stock Exchange: POB 222235, Kuwait City; telex 44015; f. 1893. 科威特证券交易所:科威特城;1893年成立。
- Major Cities: Kuwait city, Hawalli, as-Salimiyah, al-Jahra( al-Jahara). 主要城市:科威特城、瓦利、利米耶、赫拉。
- Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC): POB 26565, Kuwait City; telex 44875; f. 1980.Chair.Minister of Oil. 科威特石油公司:科威特城;1980年成立,由石油部长担任董事长。
- Major Cities: Kuwait city, Hawalli, as-Salimiyah, al-Jahra (al-Jahara). 主要城市:科威特城、哈瓦利、萨利米耶、杰赫拉。
- Governorates (Capitals): al-Ahmadi (al Ahmadi), al-Jahra (al0Jahra), Capital (Kuwait City), Hawalli (Hawalli). 主要城市:科威特城、哈瓦利、萨利米耶、杰赫拉。
- He hid for more than a month in Kuwait City but was ultimately arrested, “roughed up pretty good” and taken to Iraq. 他隐瞒了一个多月在科威特市,但最终被逮捕, “粗暴对待不错” ,并采取了伊拉克。
- Gulf Insurance Co. KSC: POB 1040, Kuwait City; telex 22203, f. 1962; cap. KD 11.3m.. 海湾保险公司:科威特城;1962年成立;资本1130万科威特第纳尔。
- EOD Technology, Inc. is headquartered in Lenoir City, TN, with offices in Baghdad, Kabul, Kuwait City, Washington DC, and Huntsville AL. 郑重声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与金融界网站无关。
- Kuwait City is located in the waterfront SAS Hotel is the world's largest and most luxurious vessel Hotel, a landmark building for one of Kuwait. 座落在科威特城海滨的萨斯饭店是世界最大最豪华的木船饭店,为科威特标志性建筑之一。
- He had been the runner-up at the Pro Tour events in Velenje, Slovenia, in Zagreb, Qatar, and in Kuwait City, Kuwait, all in 2006. 在接下来国际乒联的2006年巡回赛斯洛文尼亚、萨格勒布、卡塔尔,和科威特站,他都获得了亚军。
- It took Iraqi soldiers less than for hours to cross the 80 miles of desert between Iraq and Kuwait City last August 2. But that audacious move set off what is now regarded as one of history's largest,fastest and most widespread migrations. 去年八月二日,伊拉克士兵用了不到4小时越过伊拉克与科威特之间80英里的沙漠。可是,那一大胆的行动导致了现今认为是有史以来一次最大、最快速和分布最广的人口迁徙。
- It took Iraqi soldiers less than for hours to cross the80miles of desert between Iraq and Kuwait City last August2.But that audacious move set off what is now regarded as one of history's largest, fastest and most widespread migrations. 去年八月二日,伊拉克士兵用了不到4小时越过伊拉克与科威特之间80英里的沙漠。可是,那一大胆的行动导致了现今认为是有史以来一次最大、最快速和分布最广的人口迁徙。
- General Confederation of Kuwaiti Workers: Kuwait City, f. 1968; Vice Chair.- Naser Haizal Ateby. 科威特工人总联合会:1968年成立。科威特工会组织之一。副主席纳赛尔·海扎勒·阿提比。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- Kuwait City (the capital of Kuwait) 科威特市
- The Al Haggan family of Kuwait City 科威特城
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。