- Kurogane Yasumi 黑金泰美(1910-86),日本人,官员。
- Travelling together with them is Kurogane, a warrior who was exiled from his country, and Fye, a magician who wants to escape from his King. 可是,在一次小樱及其兄长桃矢国王的探访中,遗迹突然发生异动,小樱的记忆化作了羽毛,飞散消失。
- Kurogane: be protected with power alone. (T/N: He could be referring to promises here, since "protect a promise" is a Japanese expression for "keep a promise". 黑:不过,力量也会引来了灾难。还有,一些无法单靠力量所能保护的东西。。
- The pig is a descendent of Saizou from the anime Peacemaker Kurogane, and is an NPC in Himuragumi, an LJ-based roleplaying game where I was playing Tsubame (until I switched to playing Soujirou). 那只小猪是《和平捍卫队铁》里的小猪的后代?而且也是我曾经扮演小燕的网路同人故事里的客串角色(后来我换了人物去当宋次郎)。
- Yasumi Fukuju 安见福寿(1915-),日本人,佛学家、创价学会副会长。
- Yoshitake Yasumi 吉武泰水(1916-),日本人,建筑学教授。
- Yasumi Toshio 八住利雄(1903-),日本人,剧作家。
- Yasumi 安见
- Kurogane 铁