- 最早的工作可以追溯到xx[1965]。The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].
- (1899-1957)美国电影演员。(1899-1957) American film actor.
- 《原子外交:广岛和波茨坦》1965.Aperowitz, Gar. Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam. 1965.
- 布尔战争(1899-1902)的地图遗产The Cartographic Legacy of the Anglo-Boer War
- 罗森伯格(1965)自尊量表Rosenberg(1965) Self- Esteem Scale
- 美北长老会在华南的活动研究(1837-1899)The Activities of American Presbyterian Church (North) in South China (1837-1899)
- 最早的工作可以追溯到xx [1965]。The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].
- 在此方案,函数返回"December 30,1899"的值。In this scenario, the function returns a value of "December 30, 1899."
- GB/T749-1965水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀试验方法Sulphate resistance test for cement
- 在1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国小说家(1899-1961)an American writer of fiction who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 (1899-1961)
- 我刚好有一部你要的车子--1965 年的雪佛兰牌汽车。I've got just what you're looking for-a '65 Chevy.
- 因为日期值的CTime对象日期越界"December 30,1899"是出现此问题。This issue occurs because the date value "December 30, 1899" is out of the range of CTime object dates.
- X-15的研究结果与精选的参考书目(NASA SP-60,1965)X-15 Research Results With a Selected Bibliography (NASA SP-60, 1965)
- 不同位点变异率(%)与证候相关,肝肾阴虚1764(38%),1896(68%),1899(38%);The rate of mutation of different sites are related to the type of TCM syndrome,Yin deficiency of liver and kidney 1764(38%25),1896(68%25),1899(38%25);
- 郑作新等译,《动物分类学的方法和原理》,科学出版社,北京,1965。Wiley, E. O., Phylogenetics: the Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York, 1981.
- 如果year位于0(零)到1899(包含)之间,则Excel会将该值加上1900,再计算年份。If year is between 0 (zero) and 1899 (inclusive), Excel adds that value to 1900 to calculate the year.
- (1874-1965)英国保守派政治家;二战中的英国领导人;在1953年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。(1874-1965) British Conservative statesman; British leader during World War II; received Nobel Prize for literature in 1953.
- 波斯特,韦雷1899-1935美国航天家,是首次单独绕地球飞行的飞行员(1933年)American manufacturer of breakfast cereals and the coffee-substitute Postum.
- 常承法,1965青藏高原大地构造发展轮廓,构造地质问题,82-100,科学出版社.Helmes, A., 1965 Principles of Physical Geology, The Ronald press, Co. New York.
- 佩吉特,詹姆斯1814-1899英国外科医生和病理学家,他发现(1834年)了旋毛虫病的原因British surgeon and pathologist who discovered(1834)the cause of trichinosis.