- Kuiper statistic 柯伊伯统计量
- Hubble Finds Smallest Kuiper Belt Object Ever Seen. 哈勃望远镜发现最细小的柯伊栢伯带物体。
- His political thinking is statist, too. 他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。
- Catalog name of the table of this statistic. 此统计表的目录名称。
- UNESCO Higher Education in the World Statistic. 世界教育报告。
- Astronomers call the area beyond Pluto the Kuiper Belt(3). 天文学家把超出冥王星的区域称为"柯伊伯带"。
- But the death of millions is just a statistic! 但数百万人的死亡就仅仅是个统计数字!
- Use SPSS 11.5 to do statistic analyze. 采用SPSS 11.;5做统计分析。
- The presume that it never makes nicety statistic. 这就意味着从未做出准确的统计。
- Astronomers call the area beyond Pluto the Kuiper Belt. 天文学家把超出冥王星的区域称为“柯伊伯带”。
- Also designed computer programme to help statistic. 设计了计算机程序帮助统计。
- That statistic must surely make them wince. 这样的统计数据必定会让他们退缩。
- Gaullism is also topical thanks to a revival of statism. 中央集权制的复兴也使得戴高乐主义成为人们讨论的话题。
- Make statistic and analysis nonconformity. 不合格统计和分析。
- Astronomers expect yet-undiscovered Kuiper Belt objects may rival even Pluto. 天文学家预计柯依伯带中可能会发现比冥王星大的天体。
- WHY ARE ASTRONOMERS so interested in studying Pluto-Charon and the Kuiper Belt? 为什麽天文学家那麽热中于研究冥王星、冥卫一以及柯伊伯带?
- Indeed, many in France have found renewed pride in their statist system. 实际上,许多法国人为自己祖国中央集权体制的复兴感到骄傲。
- The object is in a region of frozen, comet-like bodies called the Kuiper Belt. 这个类似彗星的天体存在于一个寒冷的,我们称之为柯依伯带的地方。
- Mr Clegg's overall argument is that Labour's ingrained statism has failed. 克莱格的整体观点是,工党根深蒂固的国家主义已经溃败。
- In the 1990s, one of the greatest astronomical discoveries is Kuiper Belt. 摘要柯伊伯带是20世纪90年代的重大天文发现之一。