- Koike Junko 小池顺子(191l-)
- Junko and I hit it off from the start. 纯子和我从一开始就合得来。
- Hartland Incorporated, Miss Junko Hara speaking. 哈兰公司,我是原子顺小姐。
- Junko has her boyfriend on a string. 纯子使她的男朋友对她言听计从。
- Junko spent a year in California as an exchange student. 淳子作为交换学生在加州呆了一年。
- Keiko became green with envy when she saw kanji talking to Junko. 惠子看见建二和纯子说话时吃醋了。
- Mike and Junko are having the time of their lives in Hawaii. 迈克与纯子正在夏威夷欢度他们一生中最愉快的一段时光。
- Takizawa T, Terashima M, Koike T, et al. Selection of staple for closure of the bronchus[J]. Nippon Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi,1996,44:1717 1720. 李前生,王明训,王伟,等.;肺切除支气管残端闭合方法的临床和实验研究[J]
- Good afternoon,I am Junko Hara. Mr. Rosa's secretary,calling from hart land incorporated. 午安,我是哈兰公司罗沙先生的秘书原顺子。
- Koike E, Yamashita H, Noguchi S, et al. Bronchoscopic diagnosis of thyroid cancer with laryngotracheal invasion[J]. Arch Surg, 2001, 136:1185??1189. 徐先发,李正江,王洵,等.;高分化甲状腺癌侵犯喉气管的治疗及预后[J]
- Japan's newly appointed Defence Minister Yuriko Koike reviews an honour guard at the Defence Ministry in Tokyo July 4, 2007. 由于引发众怒的“原子弹言论风波”,日本防卫大臣久间章生已于7月3日宣布辞职。
- Good afternoon, I am Junko Hara. Mr. Rosa's secretary, calling from hart land incorporated. 午安,我是哈兰公司罗沙先生的秘书原顺子。
- Yuriko Koike, the environment minister, told ministry employees. Japanese men are being asked to help the nation save energy by shedding their jackets and ties in summer. 日本环境大臣小池百合子对部员下了通告。日本要求男士夏天不要穿夹克打领带,以节约能源。
- One day, Asato (Teppei Koike) who has special power is teased by a gang of neighborhood thugs.A tough loner Takeo (Hiroshi Tamaki) saves Asato and gets hurt. 某天,拥有超能力的朝户(小池彻平饰)遭街头混混欺负,孤辟颓废的健夫(玉木宏饰)因救朝户而受伤了。
- When Junko tells him that her mother has passed away a year ago, he is crushed and determined to visit her mother"s grave... 当寅得悉阿雪生前埋怨自己没有学识,所以被男人所骗,一生受苦之后,他马上立志求学,发奋图强。
- Suzuki's family of four plays host to seven-year-old relative Mika (Koike Ayame), but the spoiled city girl is less than impressed with their humble living conditions. 则文(堤真一饰)的亲戚因为事业失败,让女儿美加(小池彩梦饰)暂时寄住在则文家。则文、知江(药师丸博子饰)和六子热情地迎接新家庭成员,只有一平对此很反感。
- Two cabinet ministers Yuriko Koike, the environment minister, and Hidehisa Otsuji, the health, welfare and labour minister will make the pilgrimage to Yasukuni on Monday. 另两位内阁成员,环境部长与健康福利和劳工部长,将要在周一到靖国朝圣。
- With actor husband are Yosuke (Toshiyuki Nagashima), and young rookie Junko Kotani (beautiful ornaments) with one leg, is ready and the United States divorced persons. 同是演员的丈夫洋介(永岛敏行饰)和年轻的新秀小谷纯子(美景饰)有了一腿,正准备和名美离婚。
- Still early in a one-year free trial period, vice principal Junko Tatsumi says results so far have been encouraging in Japan's long struggle with English language education. 这个教学办法仍在第一年的免费试用阶段,副校长巽纯子表示,在日本艰辛的英语教育环境中,目前的结果算是鼓舞人心的。
- Jurisdiction rich, Li will, Qing Lu, South beam, rock son, the former Junko, Greenjia wa , homes Gao, Su Square, Hexi, baicao, black rocks, the village committee Wanzi 13. 辖丰润、李家会、庆鲁、南梁上、岩子、前润子、青家洼、高家舍、苏坊、河西、白草、黑土岩、湾子13个村委会。