- On the Freedom and Localization of Orthodox Church in Kiev Rus 试论东正教的罗斯化
- Kiev Rus 罗斯
- This is done by the Recipient Update Service (RUS). 这是由复制更新服务(RUS)完成的。
- Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences: Kiev. 乌克兰医学科学院:基辅。
- Economics and Society in Kievan Rus'Martin, Janet. 基辅罗斯的经济与社会状况。
- A squirrel rus alog on a transmission line. 一只松鼠在一条输电线上奔跑。
- I found one of the most famous churches of Kiev a heap of rubble. 我发现基辅最出名的教堂之一已成为一片废墟。
- Then he studied engineering at the Polytechnic Institute in Kiev. 接着又到基辅理工学院学习工程学。
- I like to read in the winter. I read Tolstoy in Kiev. 我喜欢冬天读。我在基辅看托尔斯泰的书。
- Viewed from treaty of postwar, Byzantine and Rus is equal. 从战后双方签订的条约看,拜占廷和基辅罗斯的关系是平等的。
- A gas pipeline-Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov and other places. 有输气管道通莫斯科、基辅、哈尔科夫等地。
- The Simargl is a strange winged dog from the lands of Rus. 席莫是一种奇异的带翅膀的狗,来自于罗斯国。有时法师会召唤它以帮助狩猎或者巡逻。
- The Hiryu is a generation ahead of the MV Rus in every respect. 飞龙号和罗斯号相比,那是不可同日而语了。
- He is a student of Kiev's Academy of Hairdressing Art. 他是基辅美容学院的学生。
- Meanwhile, anti-dissolution tent camps have sprung up in Kiev. 同时,反对解散令的人们在基辅迅速的安营扎寨。
- A chance to see caesar, kentucky and kiev on our chicken coop cam. 在我们的鸡舍摄像头中,你有机会看到凯撒、肯塔基和基辅。
- Afterward, Kiev's Soviet Army could attack to Minsk, or Poland. 此后,基辅的苏军就可以进攻明斯克或波兰。
- The season after, he spearheaded Kiev into the semi-finals of the competition. 在接下来的赛季,他带领基辅打进了半决赛。
- Sikorsky returned home to Kiev after learning all he could in Paris. 伊格尔在巴黎学到了他能学到的一切,然后回到了基辅。
- This paper summarizes the recent development in gold metallurgy in Rus. 概括介绍俄罗斯金冶金技术发展状况,以飨读者。