- Methods:The model of kidney yang deficiency were made by injecting acetic acid cortisone in rats. 方法:以醋酸可的松造成肾阳虚大鼠模型,取其垂体、睾丸进行透射电镜样品制备和观察。
- Abstract: Objective:To explore the essence of kidney yang deficiency and therapeutical mechanism of kidney tonify herbs from molecular level. 摘 要: 目的:从分子水平探讨肾阳虚证的本质以及补肾中药的作用机理。
- Objective:To explore the essence of kidney yang deficiency and therapeutical mechanism of kidney tonify herbs Yougui Yin. 目的:探讨肾阳虚证的本质及补肾中药右归饮的作用机理。
- Methods The kidney yang deficiency mice were reproduced by the applying of adenine.And the Cordyceps sinensis were given orally to the model mice. 方法用腺嘌呤复制“肾阳虚”模型小鼠,并喂饲冬虫夏草,观察睾丸形态及配对雌鼠阴道阴栓出现率、受孕时间、受孕雌鼠生育的仔鼠数、仔鼠平均体重。
- Method:The effect of the water extract of Dogwood fruits on rats model of kidney yang deficiency with the hydrocortisone was observed. 方法:应用氢化考的松所致的肾阳虚动物模型,观察山茱萸水溶物对肾阳虚大鼠的影响。
- Abstract: Objective:To explore the essence of kidney yang deficiency and therapeutical mechanism of kidney tonify herbs Yougui Yin. 摘 要: 目的:探讨肾阳虚证的本质及补肾中药右归饮的作用机理。
- Objective:To explore relationship of kidney yang deficiency and the function change of hypothalamus-pituitary-testis as well as the mechanism of kidney tonify herbs. 目的:探讨肾阳虚与下丘脑-垂体-睾丸轴功能的关系及补肾中药的调整作用。方法:以醋酸可的松造成肾阳虚大鼠模型,取其垂体、睾丸进行透射电镜样品制备和观察。
- Methods:To make model of kidney yang deficiency by injecting acetic acid cortisone in rats and to observe median eminance ependymocytes of hypothalamus of it by scanning electron microscopy. 方法:以大剂量醋酸可的松造成大鼠肾阳虚模型,取其下丘脑进行扫描电镜观察。
- Edema due to Kidney Yang Deficiency 肾虚水泛
- deficiency of spleen - kidney Yang type 脾肾阳虚型
- The frequencies of the DD genetype and the D allele in Kidney Yang asthenia were significantly higher than in Kidney Yin asthenia (P<0 01 or P<0 05) . 且肾阳虚证DD型频率与D等位基因携带率明显高于肾阳虚证 (P <0 0 5 )。
- In traditional Chinese medicine, Herba Cistanches can encourage kidney yang, enrich blood and qi, loosen the bowel to relieve constipation. 中医认为肉苁蓉具有补肾阳、益精血、润肠通便之功效,在帕金森病的治疗中是常用的一味中药。
- Being used in shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient) resulting in impotence, spermatorrhea, cold and achy loin, boils, early stage of breast tumor, swelling from blood stases. 温肾阳,强筋骨,行血消肿。用于肾阳虚导致之阳萎遗精,腰脊冷痛,阴疽疮疡,乳痈初起,瘀血肿痛。
- Objective: To study the anti-aging mechanism of Zuoguiyin (a prescription for tonifying Kindney Yin) and Yishenbao (a prescription for tonifying Kidney Yang) in presenile mice. 目的:探讨补肾阴方左归饮和补肾阳方益肾宝对老年前期小鼠抗衰老的机制。
- Lu rong is being used in shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient) resulting in impotence, spermatorrhea, cold and achy loin, boils, early stage of breast tumor, swelling from blood stases. 鹿茸:温肾阳,强筋骨,行血消肿。用于肾阳虚导致之阳萎遗精,腰脊冷痛,阴疽疮疡,乳痈初起,瘀血肿痛。
- Keywords Deficiency of kidney Yang;Microarray;immunogene;Gene therapy; 关键词肾阳虚证;基因芯片;免疫基因;基因治疗;
- pyretic tonification of kidney yang 温补肾阳, 温补命门
- Invigorate the Kidney Yang Capsule 补肾壮阳胶囊
- warming and invigorating kidney Yang 温补肾阳