- Does it also block breathing and kidney function? 它是否也抑制呼吸和肾功能?
- Kidney failure (or renal failure ):Partial or complete loss of kidney function. 肾功能衰竭:肾脏功能部分或全部丧失的一种病理状态。
- Anemic serious rate and kidney function exhaustion have closer relationship. 贫血的严重程度与肾功能衰竭有较密切的关系。
- In addition, other diseases, such as those which impair kidney function, may result in greater than normal sodium losses. 此外其它疾病,比如那些损害肾功能的疾病,都会造成比正常水平更多的钠流失。
- No side effect to the liver the kidney function and the blood system ect. The clinical using is safe and effective. 冠脉宁片对肝功能,肾功能,血液系统等无毒副作用,临床应用安全有效。
- I want you to have blood tests, X-rays, kidney function tests and an ultrasound examination. 我需要你做血液化验、X线检查、肾功能试验和超声波检查。
- The Effects of Paracetamol and Parecoxib on Kidney Function in Elderly Patients Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery. 行矫形术的老年患者使用乙酰氨基酚和帕瑞考昔对是肾功能的影响。
- A rapid decrease in kidney function was defined as a decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of at least 6 mL/min per 1.73 m per year. 以后每4个月.;肾脏功能的快速减退被界定为一种评估肾小球滤过率(GFR)的下降,至少为6毫升/每分钟1
- Kidney failure (or renal failure ): Partial or complete loss of kidney function. 肾功能衰竭:肾脏功能部分或全部丧失的一种病理状态。
- Show blood is dialytic or peritoneal and dialytic can supersede kidney function partly, prolong patient life. 表明血液透析或腹膜透析可部分替代肾功能,延长患者生命。
- If be uric flesh anhydride for 0, criterion the meaning is very different, explain kidney function is damaged badly. 假如是尿肌酐为0,则意义大不相同,说明肾功能严重受损。
- The dialyzer is a circulating equipments outside the body for curing acute and chronic kidney function. 血液透析机是用于治疗急、慢性肾功能衰竭的主要体外循环设备。
- Influence of Chronic Angiotensin II Infusion on Kidney Function and Intrarenal Angiotensin II Levels in Rats. 慢性乙型血管张力素灌注对老鼠肾功能及肾内乙型血管张力素浓度的影响).
- One possible reason is that kidney function naturally starts to decline around age 50, says Weinberger. 其中一个原因可能是肾功能在50岁左右自然会开始下降。
- Alport syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by the progressive loss of kidney function and hearing. 什么是'奥尔波特综合症-肾脏病与遗传性听力损失'?
- Dosages are computed according to age, sex, weight and kidney function, and sometimes require a calculator. 剂量根据年龄、性别、体重和肾功能来计算,有时需要使用计算器。
- It helps in kidney function and acts as a buffer for acid-base balance in the body. 它在肾功能和行为中在身体中为酸-基础帮助如一个缓冲平衡。
- When final kidney function is lost completely, the patient is shown dialytic inadequate symptom and body are asked for. 当最终肾功能完全丧失时,患者就表现出透析不充分的症状和体征。
- Levels of creatinine, which is produced by muscle, are used to determine kidney function. 肌酸酐是由肌肉产生的,而肾功能是由肌酸酐水平来测定的。
- Uric road infection relapses the person that fit, lingering does not heal should check kidney function regularly. 尿路感染反复发作、缠绵不愈者应定期检查肾功能。