- Keep my flat as clean as new 保持我的公寓和新的一样干净
- Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonics, no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be. 无论各种机器零件多么脏,形状多么不规则,当它们用超声波处理以后,可以被洗得非常干净,甚至干净得像新零件一样。
- The powerful anti-greying agent and special brighteners help to keep my clothes as bright and clean as new!" 其中含有的抗变灰剂和亮洁剂,可避免衣物变灰暗,衣物经常光洁如新!"
- The girl kept her house as clean as a new pin. 这个姑娘把屋子收拾得干干净净。
- They keep the classroom as clean as possible. 他们尽可能的保持教室清洁。
- Some women are obsessed with/by the need to keep their home as clean as a hospital. 有些妇女一心想要把她们的家保持得像医院一样洁净。
- The colour sharping formula leaves both white and coloured fabrics looking bright, keep clothes clean as new. 特效亮色配方,确保白色衣物更亮白,浅色衣物不会变黄,带出颜色衣物鲜艳色彩,亮丽如新。
- Please sweep the floor as clean as possible. 请把地打扫得尽可能干净。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- The window was as clean as a whistle. 这个窗户以前很干净。
- The blue car is not as clean as the red car. 蓝车没有红车干净。
- Guangzhou is not as clean as Shenzhen. 广州没有深圳干净。
- The floor of the cavern is as clean as a whistle. 这个山洞的地面非常干净。
- To me he was unweariedly kind and always glad to see me in the galley, which he kept as clean as a new pin. 他待我很好,极有耐心;总是欢迎我到厨房里去。他把厨房收拾得非常整洁。
- I checked out my president and some of my vice-presidents, and they're as clean as a whistle. 我检验过了我的总裁和某些副总裁,他们是清白无辜的。
- Listen to my mother that slippery due to dust and dirt on top to hold water, even if some dust, immediately drizzle the next point will be clean as new. 听妈妈说滑溜溜的原因是让灰尘和污垢在上面站不住脚,即使有些浮尘,下点小雨马上就会清洁如新的。
- In order to keep your insurance rates down, it is important to keep your driving record as clean as possible. 要保证自己无违规驾驶,这点很重要,这样一来你的保险费率就会降下来。
- Why don't you come round (to my flat) this evening? 今晚你来(我家), 好吗?
- Some women are obsessed with / by the need to keep their home as clean as a hospital. 有些妇女一心想要把她们的家保持得像医院一样洁净。
- The whole landscape looked as flat as a pancake. 整个地形十分平坦。