- Keeo Your Goals in Sight 莫让目标太遥远
- What's your goal in life, Kathy? 凯茜,你的人生目标是什么?
- L: What is your goal in life, Bill? 比尔,你的人生目标是什么?
- Keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of the daily tasks. 大处着眼,小处着手。
- Your goal in this freestyle motocross game is to make it through 15 levels. 你的目标在这个自由式越野电单车赛车游戏,使之通过15级。
- Take the whole into consideration,but do the job bit by bit;Keep the general goal in sight and take the daily tasks in hand. 大处着眼,小处着手。
- These are some of the dreams of Project Gutenberg and we would LOVE to include your goals in our projects. 以上是古登堡计划梦想的一部分,我们乐意将你的目标也包括在我们的项目中。
- First outline your goals in writing,and then hone them before you present them to your target audience. 列出你计划的种种优点。选定你的主张中的关键性优势,然后收集能支持你计划的数据,既要定性也要量。
- Put your goals in writing.This dramatically increases the likelihood of achieving those goals.Remember: ink them, don't just think them! 写下你的目标。这会大幅度增加你达成这些目标的可能性。记住:把它们写下来,而不光是思考它们。
- Do you feel life has less meaningful, aimless and not sure what you want? Explore how to set your goals in your mid life. 你是否觉得有点不了解生命的意义?生活没有目标?若有所失?一起来探讨如何在中年以后再出发!
- He mingled in the crowd and lost in sight. 他混入人群,看不见了。
- Keep it up! Final victory is in sight. 坚持下去!最后胜利已经在望了。
- Distant place: Static thinking, your goal in where? Asks oneself, which duties but also not to complete? 远处:静静的想,你的目标在哪里?问问自己,还有哪些任务没完成?
- Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time. 要跟著那个人,一直盯著他。
- When you exercise self-discipline in your surroundings as well as your behaviors, you will make major strides in accomplishing your goals in a shorter period of time. 当你处事和行为能够自觉了,那么在很短的时间内,你向着目标迈了一大步。
- When you are not pursuing your goals in life, when you are unfulfilled and just cruising along unconsciously, I believe that you are literally committing spiritual suicide. 如果你不继续追求你的目标,如果你有心无力,只在消洒飘泊,不啻是做精神式的自杀。
- Once that goal was in sight, Borden never wavered. 一旦清楚目标,波顿没有动摇过。
- Your goal in this this is a tricky strategy-warfare game is to try to wipe out the military of opposing nations, expand the Mongol empire and conquer the world. 你的目标在这方面,这是一个棘手的策略战争游戏,是设法消灭军方反对联合国扩大蒙古帝国和征服世界。
- The land came in sight after we had sailed for ten days. 我们在海上航行了十天,终于看见了陆地。
- Our team scored three goals in the second half. 我们队在下半场进了三个球。