- Katsu Yoshitaka 胜义孝(1897-?),日本人,医学教授。
- The Chicken Katsu Set looks very nice! 饭的顶部铺满了特制的酱汁,有蟹肉等材料。
- We tried the Rosu Katsu (Pork) Curry and Pork Stewed Curry and find it not bad. 曾经我问一个做管理的朋友:“究竟你是用什么办法让你的员工都死心塌地地留在你的公司。”
- Yoshitaka Amano introduced his devilish yet romantic illustrative art through animations and video games. 天野喜孝透过动画、电玩来推动邪气般的插画艺术。
- Chicken Katsu, the fried chicken in Japanese flour, with juicy meat bite but crunchy surface. 日式炸鸡排,里面肉汁十足,而外皮香脆,不错!
- I became the study society that I invited two people of Keiji Shibahara / Yoshitaka Hatae to the lecturer this time blessed with good weather. 和得天独厚拥有了好天气的学习的也对讲师此次迎接柴原启二/波多江义孝的二人,并且做的会成为了。
- Yuichi I,Yoshitaka M,Hiromichi T.Agents and method for dinking of recycled paper by the floatation process[P].JP:1998 102 390,1998 -04 -21. 候世珍;张岩;安郁琴.;壳聚糖-磷酸酯淀粉对纸张的增强助留作用及机理[J]
- According to Yoshitaka Sato, who is in charge of the company's exports of forgings and castings, orders have doubled over the past two years. 按照主管锻材和铸件出口事宜的吉孝佐藤的说法,日本钢铁公司的定单在过去两年中翻了一倍。
- T. Ide, H. Mizuta, H. Numata, Y. Taira, M. Suzuki, M. Noguchi, and Y. Katsu, "Dot pattern generation technique using molecular dynamics", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 20, 248-255, 2003. 张耀祖,“使用发光二极体为光源的背光板设计”,硕士论文,中华大学电机工程学系,2003年。
- Katsu don is just a rice dish with pork and egg on top, i eat that every single time when i go to that Japanese Restaurant called Sakura in london, So now I feel a bit disgusted about it now. 其实一直都很喜欢川菜,还记得当时在成都旅游,在街头和我的同学抢吃麻辣烫的情景,那种味道真的是不会忘记。
- (back row from left) Kani Choichi, Koyama Yutaro, Miyazaki Torazo, Sun Yat-sen, Kiyofugi Koshichiro, Ohara Yoshitaka. 后排左起:可儿长一、小山雄太郎、宫崎寅藏、孙中山、清藤幸七郎、大原义刚。
- Yoshitaka A,Ichikawa T. A survey on content-based retrieval for multimedia databases[J].IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1999,11(1):81-93 胡飞董德存.;基于面向对象方法的医学图象信息检索技术[J]
- Katsu 胜
- Ōkatsu 大胜(姓,日本)
- Takahashi Yoshitaka 高桥吉隆(1908-),日本人,实业家。
- Shigeta Yoshitaka 重田喜孝(1941-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Ikeda Katsu 池田克(1893-),日本人,法律家。
- Katsu Masanori 胜正宪(1879-1957),日本人,官员。
- Yukishige Yoshitaka 幸重义孝(1933-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Ikeda Yoshitaka 池田吉尧(1923-),日本人,工科教授。