- Kanemitsu Takeo 金光武夫(1908-),日本人,新广岛电视株式会社社长。
- Asano Takeo Nagashima Rei Ishikawa Kyozo Fuyuki Taiz. 主演: Kokuten Kodo 月形龙之介 Saburo Sawai Shinjir.
- Two hundred years of family tradition led Hibino Takeo into Chinese studies. 二百年家学渊源,导引日比野走入汉学研究。
- Please takeo ote that we have recently removed to the above address. 我公司最近已迁到上述地址,特此通告。
- Takeo Miki is Japan's Mr Clean--in contrast to his predecessor who was brought down by corruption. 三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的“纯洁先生”。
- Takeo Miki is Japan's Mr Clean - - in contrast to his predecessor who was brought down by corruption. 三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的“纯洁先生”。
- As university president, Hibino Takeo still supervises students' graduation theses, a rarity in Japan. 身为校长,日比野仍指导学生毕业论文,这在日本并不多见。
- When Takeo and Kaede first meet, they are drawn to each other, and without speaking a word, fall in love. 自面世以来,不断再版,深受欢迎,成为中国人了解中国通史的首选书籍,在青年学子中更几乎人手一册。
- Takeo many wonderful women in the Tour's contacts, mutual understanding, and finally forged a For Life. 许多健男妙女在游方的接触中,相互认识、了解,最后结下了终身伴侣。
- Aso will use the former Ministry of Education and Science with Kawamura Takeo Renguan the Housing Executive. 在这样的地方活动,吸入了大量的有害物质,健身房里的一些粉尘容易引起过敏性疾病。
- I n Takeo they use rain water as the water sources in their daily lives, both for bathing and drinking. 在茶胶省这个地方,他们在日常生活中使用雨水来当作他们的水资源,包括喝水和洗澡。
- Chief Japanese Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura says the council is likely to approve an interception attempt. 日本、美国和韩国都表示,如果北韩发射火箭,他们一定会寻求联合国对北韩采取新的制裁措施。
- Qidan defend meritorious, thanks ADPL planning chaos hero, plus calibrationbing bu shang shu right Takeo command of God, are knownbing ma shi . 捍契丹有功,赐协谋定乱功臣,加检校兵部尚书右神武郎指挥,都知兵马使。
- Takeo Hiranuma, Japanese minister of economy, trade and industry, signed the agreements with Iran and Qatar during the International Energy Forum held in Osaka. 日本经济产业大臣平沼赳夫在大阪举行的国际能源论坛期间,与伊朗和卡达的能源部长签署这些协议。
- Fukuda, 71, follows in the footsteps of his late father, Takeo, in becoming prime minister. The Fukudas are the first father-son pair to reach the highest post in Japan. 71岁的福田追随父亲福田纠夫的脚步成为日本首相,他们是日本第一对成为最高领导人的父子档。
- One day, Asato (Teppei Koike) who has special power is teased by a gang of neighborhood thugs.A tough loner Takeo (Hiroshi Tamaki) saves Asato and gets hurt. 某天,拥有超能力的朝户(小池彻平饰)遭街头混混欺负,孤辟颓废的健夫(玉木宏饰)因救朝户而受伤了。
- "The area should be under negotiations. The Japanese government expresses its regret that China is unilaterally developing the field," Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura said. 日本内阁官房长官河村建夫对记者表示,“这一地区还在谈判中。日本政府对中国单方面对其开采表示遗憾。”
- Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura said earlier that Japan also supports the U.S. president's statements on the importance of nuclear non-proliferation. 日本内阁官房长官河村建夫早些时候曾说,日本也支援奥巴马有关核不扩散重要性的声明。
- "The area should be under negotiations. The Japanese government expresses its regret that China is unilaterally developing the field," Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told reporters. 根据去年的协议,日本同意在该地区一个油气田进行投资,并(与中国联手)开采另一个油气田。
- The typhoon weakened slightly as it churned across the main island of Honshu, but 'is still very dangerous,' said Takeo Tanaka, a weather forecaster from the Meteorological Agency. 气象局预报员田中武雄解释道:虽然台风在肆虐本州的过程中有所减缓,但仍旧相当危险。