- Kandelia rondel 秋茄
- Tough Formosan kandelia hold on in the muck waiting for a better day. 水笔仔在泥沼中,以坚韧的生命力,等待河清之日。
- A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Fangyuan, Changhua County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. 图11.;台湾招潮的栖地之一:彰化县芳苑,图中的红树林为水笔仔。
- A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chinshui, Hsinchu City, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. 图8.;台湾招潮的栖地之一:新竹市浸水,图中矮小的红树林为水笔仔。
- A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chuwei, Taipei County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. 图7.;台湾招潮的栖地之一:台北县竹围,图中的红树林为水笔仔。
- In the mangrove forests, we saw a lot of plants and animals, such as fiddler crabs, and kandelia. 在红树林,我们看见了许多的动植物,如招潮蟹,水笔仔等生物。
- It consisted of one year old seedlings of Kandelia candel ,sediment and tidal water. 在温室中建立模拟秋茄湿地系统,含底泥、潮汐海水和1年生秋茄苗。
- Species native to Taiwan include the many-petaled and ceriops mangroves, both extinct, and kandelia, lumntizera, black, and four-petaled mangroves. 台湾原有红茄苳、细蕊红树、水笔仔、五梨跤、海茄苳和榄李六种红树林植物,如今前两种已经绝迹;其馀则零星分布在西海岸。
- Next, we rode to a place to ride on a bamboo raft, we took a look of the mangrove forest ecosystem, we saw some fiddler crabs and kandelia. 后来,我们骑到一个不知名的地方搭竹筏,看红树林的生态,我们看到了招潮蟹跟水笔仔。
- Nowadays flourishing seaside plants, Kandelia candel and Corydalis tashiroi Mak, are seen near the river mouth of Noubu River in Chupei City. 区内75公尺的观赏栈道,让你可近身观察水笔仔、鱼虾、蚌贝及两栖生物等自然生态。
- A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Haishanku, Hsinchu City, on the left of the figure is Kandelia candel and in the middle of the figure is Sporobolus virginicus . 图9.;台湾招潮的栖地之一:新竹市海山罟,图中左侧有水笔仔,图中央地表长有盐地鼠尾粟。
- FAN Hangqing,LIN Peng.Studies on detritus energy during the decomposition of Kandelia candel leaf litter[J].Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,1994,36(4):305-311. [9]范航清;林鹏.;秋茄红树植物落叶分解的碎屑能量研究[J]
- My pencil box is purple, shows a Mickey Mouse, very cute, there are a pencil, black Kandelia, rubber and ruler in my pencil box, I like my pencil box very much! 留学解答资讯网:我的笔盒是紫色的,上面有一只米老鼠,很可爱,笔盒里有铅笔和黑色水笔,还有橡皮,尺子,我喜欢我的笔盒。
- A mangrove endophytic fungus (No.1893) isolated from a dropper of Kandelia candel from an estuarine mangrove from the South China Sea, can produce various compounds. 对采自香港的红树林内生真菌(1893号)的代谢产物进行了研究,共分离得到10个化合物。
- Kandelia candel L. Druce seedling 秋茄幼苗
- Keywords Kandelia candel;Mangrove;Isolation;Identification; 秋茄;红树植物;分离;鉴定;
- Keywords mangrove species;Kandelia candel;PCBs;growth;effect; 秋茄;多氯联苯;生长;影响;
- Keywords mangrove;Kandelia candel;PCBs;eco-physiology;responses; 红树植物;秋茄;多氯联苯;生理生态;响应;
- Critical tidal level for planting Kandelia candel seedlings in Xiamen 厦门地区秋茄幼苗生长的宜林临界线探讨
- Keywords Kandelia candel;Photosynthetic rate;Artificial wastewater;Mangrove; 秋茄;光合速率;人工污水;红树植物;