- Kampong saon 磅逊
- If you don't ,he says you are from kampong. 如果不,他说你是乡下来的。
- If u don't,he says u are from kampong. 如果不,他说妳是乡下来的.
- If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPONG. 如果不,他说妳是乡下来的。
- If you don’t ,he says you are from kampong. 如果不,他说你是乡下来的。
- My father mother going to give a fist to all the kampong people. 去我的父亲的母亲给拳头所有部落人民。
- Nowadays, we have the 'kampong spirits' in our mind too. 缺乏个人行为的公德心,只有通过一个管道传达讯息,那就是教育。
- I spent my last minute of 2008 in a kampong, where its kelong everywhere. 在多几分钟,2008年所发生过的每一件事,就会变成我们生命中的历史。
- Why was there a Sultan living in Singapore and an Istana Kampong Glam? 这过程怎么跑出一个长住在新加坡的苏丹?为什么在甘榜格南还有座苏丹王宫?
- Add in the extract of Steamed Salted Kampong Chicken into rice, it is amazing! 将汁捞入饭内,味道果然咸中带鲜。
- Coconut trees, banana trees, wooden hut, beach and white sand - Kampong life style. 蕉风椰雨,小木屋,海滩和白沙-传统式的马来乡村风情。
- Attended the 1st Meeting of Beautification &Development of Kampong Cina, convened by MCA. 副会长卢成全出席马华公会登嘉楼州联络委员会庆祝57党庆联欢晚宴。
- The case, which was fatal, occurred in a 3-year-old girl from Kampong Speu Province, west of Phnom Penh in the southern part of the country. 该致命病例发生于该国南部、金边西部磅士卑省1名3岁女童。
- It was Stamford Raffles who brought him to Singapore to be installed as the Sultan and the British even built a palace for him in Kampong Glam. 新加坡开埠那年,他还住在廖内,是莱佛士将他迎来新加坡登基为苏丹的,英国人还在甘榜格南为他建了一座王宫。
- Today (Tuesday) afternoon, my wife and I went to visit my brother in Seremban and my second sister-in-law in my "kampong", 15 kms from Seremban. 今天(星期二)下午,我和太太到芙蓉探访了我的哥哥,及在乡村的二嫂。
- Kampong Glam showcases the rich heritage and culture of the Singapore Muslims community.Arab Street at Kampong Glam is a designer's dream locale! 游览亚拉街的甘榜格南,在苏丹回教堂了解更多关于伊斯兰信仰在新加坡的情况。
- The kampong folks feel that it is a total waste to spend so much tax payers’ money to built a water tank and yet it was never been used. 该处的甘榜人认为花这么多纳税人的钱建造一个巨大的储水箱,却从未使用过实在是个浪费。
- These Bailey had to be repaired regularly by the kampong folks on the timber decks before the smaller vehicles can pass. 当地居民必须时常进行自行修复该座桥才能够让小型的车辆过桥。
- Singaporeans who are ignorant of this part of our history will no doubt wonder why there was previously a palace in Kampong Glam. 不知道这段历史,人们就无法理解,为什么甘榜格南曾经有一座苏丹王宫。
- Discover the charms of Kampong Glam, Little India &Chinatown. Don't miss these cultural enclaves where Singapore's indigenous culture and heritage still thrives! 与我们一同发掘干榜戈南、小印度和牛车水的魅力。别错过了这些仍然富有道地色彩的文化聚集地!