- She could only flounder through her song. 她只能慌乱地唱完她的歌。
- Kamchatka flounder 亚洲箭齿鲽
- Even the most carefully devised plan will flounder. 甚至于最精心设计的计划也得破产。
- The Kamchatka peninsula is also mountainous. 堪察加半岛也是山地。
- The Kamchatka crab is, truly, the perfect product. 堪察加的螃蟹是最上乘的产品。
- She could only flounder in the water. 她只能慌乱地在水里挣扎。
- American flounder having a yellowish tail. 有微黄色尾巴的美洲比目鱼。
- We flounder through deep snow to get to the store. 我们费力地踏著厚厚的积雪去那家店里。
- The plane had begun to drop and flounder wildly. 飞机已经开始下降,剧烈地颠簸着。
- They have to flounder in a morassof contradictions. 他们不得不在矛盾重重的困境中挣扎。
- We have filet of sole, flounder, and baked shad. 我们有上等螺沙鱼排、比目鱼,还有烤鲱鱼。
- Meal 6 16 ounces of flounder, 2 cups of asparagus. 食谱616盎司比目鱼,2杯芦笋(杯?大概是芦笋精吧)
- Lean fish (flounder, haddock, halibut, etc. 精益鱼(牙鲆,黑线鳕,大比目鱼等)
- His flounder in pain and sufferings dying. 他挣扎着在痛苦中死去。
- Do not be indecisive and flounder along the way. 千万不要三心两意误着路途;
- A hiker climbs amid volcanic fumes in Russia's Kamchatka peninsula. 意译:一位徒步旅行者攀登冒着火山烟雾在俄罗斯的勘察加半岛。
- Luxury-goods firms will flounder. 奢侈品制造企业将会陷入困境。
- Flounder: Ariel, wait for me ... 弗朗达:爱丽尔,等等我。
- The dogs of Kamchatka are not in the least different from ours. 堪察加半岛的狗和我们这里的几乎没有什么区别。
- I consider a flounder to be flat. 我以为比目鱼是扁平的。