- Our armies are armies of justice and humanity, which safeguard peace. 我军是保卫和平的仁义之师。
- "Inhumanity" and "sycophancy" are criticized, thus deepening the meaning of faithfulness, justice and humanity in the thought of Confucian discourses. 这些都充实了儒家话语思想中诚信、仁义等的内涵。
- But righteousness is one of Confucianist's basic arguments, justice and humanity ritual wisdom letter, loyal good filial piety line. 而“义”则是儒家的基本论点之一,“仁义礼智信,忠良孝悌行”。
- Folger, R., &Cropanzano, R, Organizational Justice and Human Resource Management , Sage Publisher Inc, 1998. 陈照明,行为科学与管理,大洋出版社,民国七十三年。
- Robert Folger Russell Cropanzano. Organizational Justice and Human Resource Management Sage Publications, Inc. 汪纯孝;谢礼珊;岑成德;申文果;韩小芸.;智力型企业经营管理
- Within the government, a number of initiatives have been launched to work on specific business areas such as criminal justice and human resources management. 政府内部亦已开始在刑事司法和人力资源管理等范畴研究多项相关的措施。
- British Foreign Secretary David Miliband called the arrest proof that Serbia is ready to move closer to the European Union and accept such Serbian values as justice and human rights. 英国外交秘书长把它称作是塞尔维亚准备靠拢欧盟的有利证据,并且他们接受塞尔维亚人的这种公平和人权的价值观。
- My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. 我有强烈的社会正义感和社会责任心,另一方面我却又明显地不愿与世间人事直接接触,这形成了奇特的反差。
- Its essential connotation is justice and fairness, democracy and freedom, benevolence and harmony, and humanism. 其基本内涵为公平正义,民主自由,仁爱和谐,人本共享。
- Fish, birds and human beings are all vertebrates. 鱼、鸟和人类都是脊椎动物。
- Judges administer justice and punishment. 法官执行审判和量刑。
- characteristics of justice and humanity 仁善品质
- In Christendom, people show the qualities of kindness and humanity. 在基督教界,人们表现得善良而慈悲。
- Judges administer justice and punishment . 法官执行审判和量刑。
- Is it valiance and militancy or justice and peace? 国歌的品性究竟是应该“激昂尚武”还是应该“中正平和”?
- We all must stand up for democracy and human rights. 我们都必须支持民主,维护民权。
- We do anythings justice and never covertly . 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。
- Pray for him to promote justice and righteousness. 愿他善用职权提倡公平正义。
- The judge has become a model of justice and equity. 这位法官已经成了公正正义的楷模。
- That's a crime before God and humanity. 对上帝和人类来说,那都是犯罪的行为。