- Jurgen Macho 马乔,澳大利亚足球运动员
- Fancied himself to be of a macho cast. 想象他自己是一个强壮男子
- Her new boyfriend is really macho. 她的新男友实在有男子气概。
- He thinks it's macho to drink a lot and get into fights. 他认为酗酒斗殴就是男子气概。
- They go drinking and whoring, just to prove how macho they are. 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。
- He's too macho to ever admit he was wrong. 他太大男子主义了,从不认错。
- Some of these guys can be real macho headbanger s. 这里的某些人准是真正的胆量十足的狂人。
- Can be in this picture that release the macho man. 在此发布猛男的图片和照片。
- You needn't so much macho sometime. 没必要那么有男子气。
- He emerged with a macho swagger. 他大摇大摆地走了出来。
- I am Macho OX, solid and trusty. 我是大力牛,踏实讲信用。
- I work at a bank, where the culture is macho . 我在一家银行工作,那的文化氛围很阳刚。
- Here is a mysterious castle of macho pinch. 这里也有神秘的马丘比丘城堡。
- I work at a bank, where the culture is macho. 我在一家银行工作,那里的文化是"强悍"。
- SS General Jurgen Stroop watches his troops raze Warsaw's ghetto. 党卫队将军杰尔根.;斯特如普注视着被他的部下一位平地的华沙犹太人区。
- Many thanks Jurgen for your kind comment. cheers scally. 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- Hugh: If you want to be macho, order a double shot of espresso. 阿修:若你想要有男子气概,就点双份的意大利浓缩咖啡。
- Many aspects of Historical materialism were transformed by Jurgen habermas. 本文对其中最重要的几个方面予以阐述分析。
- They go drinking and whore,just to prove how macho they are. 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。
- They want drinking and whore,just to prove how macho they are. 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。