- Juniperus sibirican. 西伯利亚刺柏
- Ligularia sibirica Cass. var. racemosa Kitam. 总序橐吾
- Polygala sibirica L. var megalopha Fr. 小远志
- Oil of cedarwood, virginia. ({Juniperus} {virginiana} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essential oils.
- The distribution pattern and ecological adaptation of Caragana sibirica Fabr. 树锦鸡儿的分布式样及其生态适应。
- Karyotype Analysis of Armeniaca sibirica (L.)Lam.and Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. 山杏和杏的核型分析
- Then parasitical fleas of Allactaga sibirica were identified under microspcope. 结果共发现寄生蚤3科7属12种;角尖眼蚤指名亚种为优势种;占36.;60%25;
- On Abies sibirica and a new hybrid of the genus Abies in Heilungkiang, China. 中国黑龙江省冷杉属新增的一种新杂种.
- Juniperus sabina L. ,a folk medicinal plant ,belong to the multiseeds of Junioerus of Cupressaceae family. 新疆圆柏(Juniperus Sabina L.;)
- Hackmatack essence oil is abstracted from Juniperus oxycedrus in a steaming and distillating way. 杜松精华油是以杜松木以蒸气蒸馏法提炼而成。
- Speed hours by car to the boxed varieties Juniperus chinensis Bo into Chinese littleleaf box-form ribbons color. 快慢分车带的绿篱品种由桧柏改为以黄杨为主,形成色带色块。
- Definition: Juniper consists of the dried ripe cone berry of Juniperus communis L. 本品为柏科植物欧洲刺柏Juniperus communis L.;的干燥的成熟球果。
- COMTE G, ALLASE D P, CHULIA A J, et al. Three phenylpropanoids from Juniperus phcenicea[J]. 梅文莉;吴娇;戴好富.;三尖杉属植物化学成分与药理活性研究进展[J]
- A Study on Anti-oxidative Effect on Subacute Aging Model Mice with Fruit Oil of Nitraria sibirica Pall. 西伯利亚白刺果油对衰老模型小鼠抗氧化性作用的研究。
- Insecticidal activity of deoxypodo- phyllotoxin,isolated from juniperus Sabina L. 高蓉,高聪芬,田暄,余向阳, Xudong Di ,Hang Xiao,张兴*.
- Forest lands of Armeniaca sibirica in Western Liaoling were used to construct gray relative comprehensive evaluation model and to calculate its value. 并以辽西地区山杏林地为例,构造灰关联综合评价模型。
- The salty gland of Messerschmidia sibirica is developed from epidermic cell of stem and leaf. 叶的上下表皮细胞各一层,栅栏组织与海绵组织分化明显。
- Caragana sibirica Fabr. is a typical mesophytes, it is both a typical and original species of Caragana. 摘要树锦鸡儿为典型的中生植物,既是锦鸡儿属的模式种,又是该属植物的原始种。
- Genus of fungi that produce galls on cedars and other conifers of genera Juniperus and Libocedrus and causes rust spots on apples and pears and other plants of family Rosaceae. 在雪松和别的松类植物上产出苦汁的真菌的属,在苹果树和梨树和别的植物上造成菌锈的蔷薇科的属。
- The stability of red pigment extracted from the fruit of Nitraria sibirica Pall. 研究了新疆西伯利亚白刺果中红色素的稳定性。