- A closed session of the judiciary committee. 审判委员会的秘密会议
- A closed sessionof the judiciary committee. 审判委员会的秘密会议。
- No soap opera fan can complain that the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that usurped the network tales of sex and power could not deliver their daily emotional fix. It was an astounding day for television viewers, right up there with Watergate. 喜欢看肥皂剧的人不会抱怨参议院司法委员会听证会不能提供每天的感情刺激。在色情与权力故事方面它取代了电视台。对电视观众那是令人耳目一新的一天,可与水门事件媲美。
- The House Judiciary Committee voted that President Nixon should be impeached. 众议院司法委员会赞成弹劾尼克松总统。
- The chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Arlen Specter, disagreed with his Republican colleague. 司法委员会主席斯佩克特参议员不同意弗里斯特的观点。
- Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, however, noted that the FBI was aware of the abuses as early as 2004. 司法委员会主席约翰.;科尼尔斯指出,联邦调查局早在2004年初就意识到存在滥用职权问题。
- Nearly 80 minutes into the hearing, Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers banged the gavel to restore order after a member of the audience briefly disrupted the proceedings. 听证会进行到近80分钟的时候,司法委员会主席约翰.;科尼尔斯在一名旁听者扰乱听证会后敲击议事锤以恢复秩序。
- An attorney for Miers has informed the House Judiciary Committee Chairman that Miers will not show up Thursday. 米利斯的律师已通知白宫司法委员会主席她星期三将不会出席。
- Republican Senator Orrin Hatch - like Senator Specter - is a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. 共和党参议员哈奇和斯佩克特一样,曾经当过参议院司法委员会主席。
- Despite the 7-7 deadlock by the Judiciary Committee, Thomas's prospects for confirmation were excellent. 尽管司法委员会以7票对7票僵持,托马斯被通过任命的前景极佳。
- Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont appeared on NBC's Meet the Press program. 这是法院委员会主席帕克在出席NBC会议是发表的言论。
- The White House is not saying if it will comply with subpoenas from the Senate Judiciary Committee. 白宫目前还未就他们是否会接受参议院司法委员会的传票表态。
- At worst, it has the overtone of a possible cover-up,” said Arlen Specter, head of the Senate's judiciary committee. 说人民币升值对东南亚国家有利,这种观点或者是没动脑子,或者就是出于某种目的。
- On Thursday, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy, called for Congress to debate and vote before any possible military action. 星期四,参议院司法委员会主席帕特里克?里尼呼吁国会在任何可能的军事行动前进行讨论并投票表决。
- McClellan told the House Judiciary Committee Friday that White House officials leaked Plame's identity to get back at her husband. 麦克莱伦星期五对众议院司法委员会说,白宫官员泄露普莱姆的身份以打击她的丈夫。
- Democrat Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, lauded Sotomayor's achievements and judicial record. 参议院司法委员会主席、民主党参议员莱希盛赞了索托马约所取得的成就和她的司法裁决记录。
- That statement did not go far enough for Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee. 然而,参议院司法委员会中最高级别的共和党人、宾夕法尼亚州参议员阿伦.;斯佩克特认为这一声明的份量还不够。
- The House Judiciary Committee is calling on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department. 司法委员会要求他就白宫是否不正当的干涉了司法部门的工作这件事作证。
- The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings will be crucially important in preventing jurists with a radically-right wing judicial philosophy from making it to the bench. 参议院司法委员会的听审在阻止持极右翼司法哲学的法学家被任命为最高法院法官方面起到非常重大的作用。
- The House Judiciary Committee was expected to authorize subpoenas for Rove, Miers and their deputies on Wednesday; the Senate Judiciary Committee was to follow suit a day later. 法庭星期三要求白宫司法委员会批准对罗瓦,米尔斯和他们的助手的传唤;一天以后议会司法委员会也提出同样的要求。