- In law foundation, the most important is a judicial independent. 在法律基础中,最重要的是司法的独立性。
- Judicial Independence in the U.S. 美国的司法独立。
- An interpretation would not undermine judicial independence. 寻求解释也不会损害司法独立。
- Judicial independence is the guarantee of a just judicial system. 司法独立是司法公正的体制保障。
- Equality for all before the law, judicial independence and the rule of law. 确保法律面前人人平等,司法独立,法治精神贯彻于社会各个层面。
- You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学习不要依赖父母。
- He has acted becomingly with a view to safeguarding judicial independence. 所以司法裁定之前,需要一定程序过滤。
- They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族。
- She's very independent and lives all alone. 她自食其力,独自生活。
- By some case study in the early years of the Republic, we can see the justice's law spirit on pursuing judicial independence and persisting in independent trial. 从民初一些个案中,彰显出民国前期法官不畏强权,追求司法独立,坚持独立审判的法治精神。
- An independent man, Peter never goes with the tide. 彼得是个有主见的人,从不随大流。
- Many a phenomenon of breaking judicial independence comes up in the judical practice of tax. 税收司法实践中出现大量的违反司法独立性的现象。
- It is a bias and misunderstanding to regard judicial independence and the Party's leadership as the opposites. 党的领导主要是政治、思想和组织的领导,而不是事无巨细越俎代庖。
- Thereof, the article 126th is the most radical restrict to realize judicial independence. 其中,宪法第126条是对司法独立最根本性的制约。
- She is so independent that she refused all pecuniary aid. 她很独立,所以拒绝一切金钱上的资助。
- This judicial independence, however, has to coexist with the reality that Congress regularly delegates broad authority to administrative agencies. 但这一司法独立必须与国会经常性地授予行政机构广泛权力的事实和平共处。
- The former colonial possessions are now independent states. 以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家。
- The Government respects and upholds judicial independence, and acts in accordance with the rulings of the Court of Final Appeal and the lower courts. 香港特区政府尊重和维护司法独立,执行终审法院和各级法院的裁决。作为一个特区,香港享有终审权,这独特的宪制安排是世界罕有的。
- Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent. 所有的殖民地最终均将独立。
- Egged on by black-jacketed lawyers, who were never so glamorous, he has criss-crossed the country, giving speeches on the sanctity of judicial independence. 在黑衣律师们的鼓舞下--他们从来没有如此活跃过,他数次穿越这个国家,在各地进行着关于司法神圣独立性的演讲。