- Joint Mobility Assistance Plan 联合机动增援计划
- Joint Mobility Assistance Team 联合机动支援组
- A pre-recorded speech to introduce the new country assistance plan. 托马斯,发布了预先录制的讲话,以推介新的国家援助计划。
- Stiff skin syndrome (SSS) is a rare disorder characterized by stony hard skin,limited joint mobility and mild hypertrichosis. 皮肤僵硬综合征是以在出生时或婴儿早期出现的皮肤局限性硬化,伴有关节活动受限和轻度多毛为特征的一种罕见的先天性皮肤疾病。
- Therefore, before the correctie osteotomy is done, eery effort should be made to maximize joint mobility as well as limit soft-tissue swelling. 因此,校正截骨术前,能够最大限度的恢复关节活动度、减轻软组织肿胀的每件事都应该做。
- I understand that at present, the top 10 per cent of our students are allowed to enrol in Special Assistance Plan Schools and take up their mother tongue at an advanced level. 另外,据我的了解,当今能够进入特选中学修读高级母语的学生是前10%25的优秀学生。
- I understand that at present,the top 10 per cent of our students are allowed to enrol in Special Assistance Plan Schools and take up their mother tongue at an advanced level. 另外,据我的了解,当今能够进入特选中学修读高级母语的学生是前10%25的优秀学生。
- That is why we have stressed the importance of bilingual education and nurtured the growth of Special Assistance Plan schools to carry on the best traditions of the old Chinese schools. 这也就是为什么我们强调双语教育的重要性,以及要扶持特选学校的发展,以保留旧华校的优良传统。
- To assist Planning &Development Engineer to implement the stripping / drilling and blasting plan. 协助计划与发展工程师对剥离钻爆计划的编制及落实。
- GNOME to start preferred Mobility assistive technology application during login. GNOME将要在登录时启动的首选移动辅助技术应用程序。
- Coordinating civil assistance plans with HN, U.S., and allied agencies. 协调与当地国(注5)、美国和联合机构之民政协助计划。
- To gain an understanding of practices by Muslims and their underlying significance, some non-Muslim members of the Young PAP and students from Special Assistance Plan schools visited some mosques on Hari Raya Haji. 行动党青年团团员和特选学校学生等非回教徒,在哈芝节集体到回教堂了解回教精神和仪式背后的意义,明确传达了华族子弟主动接触他族风俗礼仪的积极做法。
- Paraffinotherapy,joint mobilization,massage,traction,psychotherapy were given for treatment group. 治疗组采用蜡疗、关节松动术、按摩、关节功能牵引、心理支持等治疗。
- Objective To explore the curative effect of joint mobilization techniques combined with prednisone and phenprobamate for severe scapulohumeral periarthritis. 目的探讨关节松动技术联合强的松、苯丙氨酯对重症肩周炎的治疗作用。
- Conclusion Joint mobilization techniques combined with prednisone and phenprobamate is effective for severe scapulohumeral periarthritis and worthy to be spread. 结论关节松动技术联合强的松、苯丙氨酯是治疗重症肩周炎的有效方法,值得推广应用。
- UK Launches New Country Assistance Plan for China 英国启动面向中国的新援助计划
- Joint Security Assistance Planning 联合安全支援计划
- Interagency Radiological Assistance Plan 局际放射性援助计划
- Military Assistance Plan Element 军援计划支队
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。