- Joint Labor Affairs Committee 联合劳工事务委员会
- Source : Dept. of Social Affairs, MOI & Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan. 資料來源:本部社會司、行政院勞工委員會。
- Based on the principles of mutual respect,equality and mutual benefit,the Chinese government actively participates in international labor affairs. 中国政府根据相互尊重、平等互利的原则,积极参加国际劳工事务。
- Rumors of inefficiency led the Senate Military Affairs Committee to begin a searching investigation of the mobilization effort in December 1917. 缺乏效率的流言蜚语导致参议院军事委员会在1917年12月开始对动员工作进行彻底调查。
- Both Beckmann and Sunnunu spoke at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. 苏努努和比奇曼都是在参议院国土安全和政府事务委员会上作证时发表上述观点的。
- Today we will focus on one: a Council of Labor Affairs Arbitration Hearing, a readily available, cost-free, efficient means to resolve issues of illegitimate wage garnishing. 这是一个可以随时提出申诉,完全免费,而且具有法律效力意义的处理方式,也可将外师违法被雇主扣留的薪资取回。
- Professional Affairs Committee Forum - Powered by Discuz!.Professional Affairs Committee Forum - Discuz!Board ... 联络我们 使用条款及免责声明 私隐政策 论坛使用教学 ...
- The entire village is working on leveling the land, digging culverts by joint labor with reimbursement made every five days. 这五天来,大家都一起劳动,平整场地,修建水道,准备新修房屋。
- A working permit is required to work off campus. Please apply to the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., through the Office of Students Affairs. 校外工作须具工作证,其申请迳向学生事务处转行政院劳委会办理。
- He also serves on the Veterans' Affairs Committee, which helps oversee the care of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. 他还担任退伍军人事务委员会,这有助于监督照顾的士兵返回伊拉克和阿富汗。
- This year the politics and foreign affairs committee was cancelled. Premier Lee Huan specially held two "national affairs meetings" in its stead. 今年取消了政治外交组,行政院长李焕特地安排两个晚上分批举行国是座谈。
- In 2003, Mr. Phil Castro, Chairman of State Affair Committee of Cuba visits Beijing Overseas Students Pioneer Park. 2003年,古巴国务委员会主席卡斯特罗参观北京市留学人员创业园。
- Democratic Representative Howard Berman, who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee, asked these questions about a potential military aid package. 众议院外交委员会主席、民主党议员伯曼就可能的军事援助提出问题。
- The International Affairs Committee (SfN and US NAS) supports neuroscientists worldwide through professional training and international collaboration. 国际事务委员会:藉由专业训练与跨国合作支持全球神经科学家。
- The Council of Labor Affairs( CLA) has made a regulation on the former, while the latter is already stipulated in the employment contract that has been agreed upon by the CLA and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office( MECO). 劳委会(LA)对前项做了规定,同时,后者也经劳委会及马尼拉经济文化办事处(eco)的同意,已在雇用契约上做了规定。
- Full DescriptionProfessional Affairs Committee Forum - Powered by Discuz!.Professional Affairs Committee Forum - Discuz!Board ... 联络我们 使用条款及免责声明 私隐政策 论坛使用教学 ...
- When stopped, a driver must follow the direction of the University security guard, but he may appeal to the Administrative Affairs Committee of the University. 驾驶者被截停时必须依从保安员之指示,惟当事人可向大学行政事务委员会提出上诉。
- The ministry was responding to a report from the House of Lords economic affairs committee in March that criticised ministers for overstating economic benefits of migration. 这一声明是针对英国上议院经济事务委员会发布的报告做出的回应。该报告称内阁大臣过分强调了移民对经济发展的积极影响。
- Jean Sheppard, from the WI public affairs committee, said the organisation would look at food waste in the future, but for the time being would continue to focus on packaging. 让谢泼德,从威斯康星公共事务委员会说,该组织将考虑食物垃圾在未来,但目前将继续把重点放在包装。
- He is also a veteran of Capitol Hill, having served as senior counsel to three chairmen of the U.S.Senate Governmental Affairs Committee: Sens.Fred Thompson, Ted Stevens and Bill Roth. 他也是一位资深的国会山,在担任高级顾问的三位主席,美国参议院政府事务委员会:参议员弗雷德汤普森,特德史蒂文斯和比尔罗斯。