- John is a funny man. 约翰是个很有趣的人。
- He is a funny man, and he has a funny face. 他是个不可捉摸的人,而且他有一付怪形怪誕的面孔。
- John is a mild man who never raises his voice. 约翰是一个温和的人,他从不抬高嗓门说话。
- His brother John is a man with an abrupt manner. 他的弟弟约翰是一个举止粗鲁的人。
- John is a casual; he can't find a proper job anywhere. 约翰是个临时工,他到处找不到正式工作。
- John is a lone wolf; newer mucks in with the others. 约翰是一个独来独往的人,从来不跟别人一起干。
- At the end of the day,faith is a funny thing. 在一天结束的时候,信念是非常有趣的东西。
- Attraction, it is a funny thing. 吸引力真是一件奇妙的事。
- Food is a funny word if you say it enough. 食物是一个滑稽的词如果您说足够它。
- John is a deep card; no one can bluff him easily. 约翰是个机灵鬼,谁也不容易欺骗他。
- John is a bit of a dangerous blunderer. 约翰是一个很危险而且经常坏事的人。
- John is a pilot held in high regard. 约翰是一位深受尊敬的飞行员。
- John is a whole lot taller than he was a year ago. 约翰比一年前长高了很多。
- John is a lone wolf:never mucks in with the others. 约翰是一个独来独往的人,从来不跟别人搞在一起。
- John is a bullfighter. Death hangs over his head every time he performs. 约翰是斗牛士,每次出场表演都要面临死亡的威胁。
- John is a good pitcher,but he is a lone wolf. 琼是一个优秀的棒球投手,但他不喜欢和其他队员合作。
- John is a very earnest young man; he should be more cheerful. 约翰是个十分认真的年轻人,他应该更愉快些。
- John is a very good cook(= he cooks well). 约翰很会做菜。
- Smart as a whip, John is a successful businessman. 由于约翰的机警灵智,他成了一个成功的商人。
- "We think John is a fink pacifist on a super ego trip, " she said. 她说:"我们认为约翰是个极力追名逐利、喜欢告密的和平主义者。"